Kan Gong Rides the Crown Sword Introduction

Kan Gong Rides the Crown Sword 14-1 Collection Introduction

2022-10-29 14:19:33       First hand travel network

Kan Gong Rids the Crown Sword 14-1 How? How can Kan Gong collect all the crown sword 14-1? Kan Gong riding Crown Sword 14-1 is a level crossing task. Players need to obtain the best doll and can also receive magic card rewards after meeting the task requirements. Next, let's go to see the most detailed collection strategies of Kan Gong riding Crown Sword 14-1.

Kan Gong Riding Crown Sword 14-1 Collection Introduction

 Kan Gong Rides the Crown Sword 14-1 Collection Introduction

1. The task requires players to obtain the best doll. This task is a cross level task.

2. Players need to get props in other levels. The first one is 14-2.

3. The second one is at 14-5, and the third one is at 14-17. Collect all of them and return to 14-1.

4. After completing the task, players can get magic card rewards.

The above is the most detailed introduction of Kan Gong's 14-1 Complete Collection of Crown Swords. I hope it can help players.

Kan Gong Rids the Crown Sword

Category: Role

Size: 242.60M


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