Free mindfulness app
 Quietness improves concentration, and white noise meditation improves sleep

Remind with quiet singing bowl, white noise, improve concentration and sleep

Downloads: one thousand four hundred and sixty-one point five five ten thousand size: ninety-four point two MB
brief introduction

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The Yijing APP is a professional application for meditation practitioners. It has a variety of practical exercise tools, such as timers, audio import, energy alarm clocks, statistical reports, and a collection of meditation introduction, sleep, concentration, emotion management and other courses. The first technical patent function "intelligent meditation assistant", with the help of artificial intelligence technology, the software can lead the practitioners to meditate through camera recognition and voice interaction, just like a meditation teacher with practice, offering intelligent meditation experience for practitioners.

*****Quiet · main functions*****

1. User defined reminder: 8 kinds of singing bowls are built in, and the reminder time can be set flexibly. You can set different singing bowls and times at any time point;
2. Sound combination: you can freely combine a variety of different sounds to play at the same time, and choose your own volume ratio for each sound;
3. My habit: keep the timer configuration in different scenarios as a shortcut, and click to start timing;
4. Do Not Disturb Mode: Don't be disturbed by the outside world when practicing attentively Oh, put down your mobile phone and start each practice attentively~
5. Whether you are a novice meditator or an experienced practitioner for many years, and whether you want to do meditation timing or yoga timing, you can get satisfaction here.

[Intelligent Meditation Assistant]
1. Meditation heart rate: practice meditation when you are under pressure and emotional distress, and you will find that the heart rate will become more stable and lower as the meditation continues;
2. Stability: Do you feel like you are swaying during meditation? Maybe you need to adjust your meditation posture, or warm up before starting;
3. Smart assistant: automatically recognize the closed state of your eyes and give different prompts, just like a meditation instructor nearby.
4. The mindfulness meditation assistant of AI blessing can directly recognize the heart rate, eyes, frown and shaking in the meditation process, and show the state and stability of the meditation process with a curve graph to help you better understand the benefits of meditation. There is no need for complex settings, just fix the phone with a bracket, and sit in front of the phone to begin the experience.

[Massive audio]
1. Classic guide words: mindfulness breathing, body scanning, mindfulness kindness, acceptance of emotions, contemplation of thoughts, anxiety relief, relaxation before sleep;
2. Series of courses: Introductory Guide to Meditation, Good Night Meditation Class, Mindfulness 100 Little Things in Life, Mindfulness Tea Tasting Class of Tea Zen;
3. Praise the bowl for meditation: there are 8 internal sound of singing the bowl, only meditate in the sound of singing the bowl, dang~dang~dang~

[Meditation audio import]
Support you to import your own audio/video. Using the Free Mindfulness App, in addition to enjoying the exercise content and pure white noise of the app, if you have recorded your own audio courses or collected your own special audio courses, you don't need to put them in the phone folder to eat ash, import the app, and accumulate them into your "Sutra Pavilion", and complete all the exercise plans in one software.

[Energy alarm clock]
It is as simple as an alarm clock. You don't need to open the app to remind you to spend every minute of your life mindfully and help you return to "Duang" in a second.

Statistical Report
Monthly calendar, annual calendar, meditation time distribution chart, highlight time, exercise preference, heart rate and stability trend chart, your growth is visible~

Community and room allow children to better clock in, record and share their feelings. Multiple privacy modes can be freely selected. Whether the content is open is up to you~

【Apple Watch】
The Yijing App also provides the Apple Watch version, and supports the Huawei bracelet binding. Even without starting the camera, you can also measure the heart rate change during meditation.

[Synchronize to Apple Health]
Records of mindfulness meditation can be synchronized to Apple Health. Use mindfulness meditation to improve your sleep, regulate your mood, relieve anxiety, and increase anti stress.

[Support Siri shortcut]
-Hey, Siri. Start meditating

*****Quick Understanding · Mindful Meditation*****

Mindfulness, also known as "Inner View Zen", is a meditation method to cultivate spiritual strength, which is used to explore oneself and increase wisdom.

Mindfulness meditation is a simple and scientifically proven brain exercise. More and more literatures show that the neural system is plastic, and the changes of neural structure can be realized through training. Every 10~20 minutes of practice, the brain structure will have positive physical changes.

In the 1970s, mindfulness was first applied in medicine and psychology after it was introduced into the West. After years of development and scientific research, scientists have found that long-term and regular mindfulness training not only helps to improve concentration, but also helps to treat anxiety, insomnia and depression. It is also very helpful to improve the ability to regulate emotions, improve cognitive function, improve interpersonal relationships, and enhance happiness, compassion and empathy. This makes mindfulness particularly popular in business, start-ups and the Internet.

*****Contact us with quiet*****

Official WeChat customer service: znassistant
Official WeChat official account: Free Mindfulness
Official Weibo: Free Mindfulness

If you have suggestions on the product and find bugs, you can directly use the feedback channel "My Contact Us" in the APP to find us.

User evaluation 10
  •  VincentReplay     ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ VincentReplay ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Easy to use and free. First of all, it has nice and soothing music and guide words. The software can also record the number of frowns and shakes you make, and it will close when you open your eyes. Secondly, the interface is simple without advertising and payment problems, and also has statistical functions. It is hoped that the advantages of free introduction and basic functions can be retained after later integration and optimization.

  •  Towel laughing baseball ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Towel laughing baseball ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Mom, the best in the world. For the sake of my health, I decided to go to bed early. However, the night owls in our dormitory could not let everyone accommodate me alone. At first, I wanted to listen to music, but it was useless to listen to music later. This is what I met. My favorite thing is to listen to the sound of rain and sleep. Just like when I was a child, if I can't do it, I would sit and meditate. My whole head is empty and sleep better.

  •  Blank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Blank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    I have used many yoga and meditation apps, but none of them is as good as this one. After using the free mindfulness app for a period of time, I felt more professional, taught me a lot of basic methods and knowledge, and the effect was much better than the previous practice.

  •  Kindness Kicks Carrots ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kindness Kicks Carrots ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Especially good, an oasis of peace of mind! I have been exposed to meditation for two or three years, and I have already enjoyed the benefits of meditation. Thanks to the developers, I hope that the free mindfulness will be better and better

  •  The old man in waistcoat ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The old man in waistcoat ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Can we launch multilingual version or English version? Foreign friends like this software very much, but there is no English version. They can only listen to background music

  •  Anonymous user ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Anonymous user ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    This is a great mindfulness app. It handles details very well. Video mindfulness is the only function that can encourage you to stick to it. It becomes a habit to stick to it.

  •  Greasy rice pudding ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Greasy rice pudding ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Very easy to use, very professional. Come 10 minutes before going to bed every day, and the statistics report of mindfulness is very comprehensive, which is a good inspiration to myself.

  •  Fat ball ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fat ball ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    I think the school should promote mindfulness training in an all-round way!!!!!

  •  Hot dog self use ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hot dog self use ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Meditation has become a popular trend. It should be the best APP I have downloaded so far. It was originally downloaded only because of poor sleep~Thanksgiving meditation~anxiety relief and so on~all very good~very good.

  •  Cold Noodles to Pigeon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cold Noodles to Pigeon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    A day of precipitation, 10 minutes of meditation, in the quiet sound of running water, slowly relax. Very enjoyable, very gentle

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