ABOUT/About Me

My name is Randy Lu. I was born in 1995 in a small city in Zhongshan, Guangdong. Good at programming, reading, music, writing and all creative activities. Learning programming since 2008.

In 2014, he participated in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the "China Software College of Guangzhou University". He dropped out after one year of undergraduate study. He worked in Qizhi Technology, Alibaba, Ant Financial, Tiger Teeth Live and Microsoft China. I'm running my own Randynamic Studio

When I was young, my dream was to become a programmer and change the world with technology. The ideal now is to create value with technology - to make products or services that some people think are easy to use and are willing to pay for them. The delusion of the future is to participate in promoting China's democratization. If I have a choice in life, I hope I can participate in politics in a country ruled by law, write code and make music in my spare time.

The reason for this blog is that I like writing and thinking. I hope to share my thinking and experience with everyone.

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