Welcome to Retail , Mobile retail communication

Serve every store, only for every store

Serve every store, only for every store

Serve every store, only for every store

service Each store only serves Every home

Link brands, dealers and stores, share data information, improve service efficiency, and make business easier

ours business

  • Brand solutions
  • Dealer Solutions
  • Digital store
Brand solutions

Brand omni channel marketing enables brands to reach stores and consumers directly

  • Store display

  • Brands workbench details

    Easily understand the business situation, manage the targeted marketing and release tasks of dealers, and let the brand directly reach the stores and consumers

  • Supplier workbench details

    Centralized management of products, warehouses, allocation and personnel, and more efficient operation based on big data capabilities

  • Retail APP details

    One stop purchase of goods, buy good goods and buy the right goods

  • Partner workbench details

    Check the store information anytime, anywhere, communicate with the store owner in real time, and develop a visit route

cooperation partner