About us

Reasons for choosing us

The way that SpringBoot creates scheduled tasks is very simple. There are two main ways: one is annotation based (@ Scheduled), and the other is dynamic database configuration. In actual development, the first one needs to write dead expressions in the code. If it is modified, it will be very troublesome to restart; So we often adopt the second method, which can directly read scheduled tasks from the database, Jiuyun Blog

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

Obtain the client IP address package com.gmk.kpi.common.utils; import javax.websocket.RemoteEndpoint;import javax.websocket.Session;import java.lang.reflect..., Jiuyun Blog

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

The two virtual machines are both good, but there are still some differences. The virtual machine of Western Digital can record 10 different websites, and the number of websites can be about 60. There are fewer AliCloud host registration websites, and only 5 different ones are supported. Alibaba Cloud is more expensive, and the server environment needs to be configured by itself, which requires more professional personnel. The server environment of Tianyi Cloud also needs to be configured by itself, but the service is arrogant, Jiuyun Blog

System advantages:

Cron is executed every 5 seconds (cron expression is executed every month) - Jiuyun Blog

Websocket gets the client IP (websocket gets the customer address) - Jiuyun Blog

Userme virtual machine (Uzerme web version) - Jiuyun Blog

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What we have


As mentioned above, SpringBoot creates scheduled tasks in two simple ways: first, annotation based (@ Sche


Obtain the client IP address package com.gmk.kpi.common.utils; import j


The two virtual machines are both good, but there are still some differences. The virtual machine of Western Digital can record 10 different websites, and the number of websites can be left at 60


1 Executive summary The logical composition of the patrol of VMware vSphere virtualization environment, through the definition of the scope of inspection and VMware

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