I still have a blog informal essay

I still have a blog

I haven't been here for a long time. When I visited the website, I couldn't open it. There was no problem with the domain name host. Later, I found that the IP address of the host was blocked. I was a Hong Kong host. Later, the work order changed to an IP address. By the way, I registered a new domain name: lnaa.top Now this domain name is really a little long. One
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 Interesting things about glasses informal essay

Interesting things about glasses

A few days ago, I went to the city to get a pair of glasses. The lenses and frames cost more than 500 yuan. In fact, the pair I wore before has not been matched for a year. Due to work, the dust is quite heavy, and I often wipe it, so I make many small scratches on the glasses. Every time there is strong light, or when facing the computer screen, the glasses are small
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 I'm afraid of injection, and I'm afraid of it informal essay

I'm afraid of injection, and I'm afraid of it

The blogger has been suffering from rhinitis for many years. Recently, the rhinitis has returned. He wanted to have an injection and found a doctor who opened his own shop. It is said that the injection is very effective. The medicine is really expensive. Just as my mother recently suffered from cervical pain, she went to have an injection with me. After I went there, I explained the situation. I first prepared a bottle of drip
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 Is "Shenpo" the real god? informal essay

Is "Shenpo" the real god?

I have a relative who has a fever recently. The family was very busy. Due to the reason during the COVID-19 epidemic, the small outpatient clinic did not sell drugs or give injections, so they stayed at home. I thought that the small cold would survive, but suddenly the high fever did not return. At this time, I have had a fever for three days. Nucleic acid test was conducted during the period. Negative. So 120
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 22000 headline fans are a blessing in disguise! Entrepreneurship

22000 headline fans are a blessing in disguise!

I always have a strong interest, interest and seriousness in We Media. So I registered a headline number to play with. When I registered, I chose the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and named it Liunian in the mountains. Because I am now engaged in farming, I want to develop something on farming. Later, I didn't think much of it, but I am interested in network technology
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 It's time to catch centipedes again informal essay

It's time to catch centipedes again

After the Tomb Sweeping Day every year, many people here begin to catch centipedes. I still remember when I was very young, my father and I went out to catch centipedes at night. We wore an electric light on our head, took a bottle in our hand, and went out with a clamp. Because the centipede will come out to find food at night, so it is easy to catch the centipede on the mountain by taking an electric light to the ground at night
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