• Guests from the National Association of Beauty Merchants, chairmen of various industry chambers of commerce in Liaoyang and representatives from all walks of life gathered together to promote high-quality development of the hair and beauty industry, activate the beautiful economy, promote consumption upgrading, and help accelerate the construction of a new Liaoyang that is livable and employable.
  • This year, Fushun plans to build 780 5G base stations, focus on promoting the continuous coverage of 5G base stations in areas above the township level, focus on rural areas, strengthen the construction of 5G indoor distribution systems and micro stations, promote the special coverage of special scenarios along the Shen Bai high-speed railway, and enable the "double gigabit" application to enable thousands of industries.
  • This performance season will last until the end of September, including more than 40 performance activities such as the piano themed battle (challenge), with the largest number of activities in the past years.
  • The flash show of about 3 minutes presents some fragments of the second boutique dance program "National Treasure Liaoning · Ruihe Chapter" in the "National Treasure Liaoning" series. The dance is based on the painting of auspicious cranes, which is one of the national treasures of Liaobo Town Hall, and presents the sense of strength and auspiciousness of cranes in the form of group dance of men and women.