42 days

I have no time to write a blog after taking my baby, let alone bother with other things. Look at Memos, we are all celebrating an RSS subscription software recently. The invitation system is very popular. One code is hard to get. Fortunately, I am not free. Today is the 42 day physical examination of the newborn according to the doctor's advice. In fact, it's not only 42 days, but it's not usually available for today. Just.

The ECG at the beginning of school

Dabaosheng Junior High School reported on the first day of the morning of the 30th (Friday) that people in the group could be picked up at 10 o'clock. After arriving at the school gate at 10 o'clock, waves of people left and waited until 11 o'clock to receive people. Everyone was originally told to bring buckets and rags, but only a few people actually finished cleaning. This baby is a procrastinator. It is the same in primary school and junior high school. Back to

40 year old father

It's really "life is unpredictable". Unexpectedly, I am 40 years old and have a second child. So, if you want to have surprises in your life at any time, you can learn from me. If you don't make plans for your life, it's better to be random. Maybe when he was young and Dabao, he didn't have many painful experiences with his baby in his memory. The two treasures are totally different

Dressing change for 15 days

After the last dressing change, the new domestic drug "Weiyiqing Propofol Tenofovir Fumarate Tablets" has been eaten for 15 days (after eating a row). This morning, I went to the hospital to take blood, and the reports came out in the afternoon. Although the liver area is always faintly uncomfortable, the results are almost unchanged. The HBV-DNA quantity (virus number) is less than 100 IU/ml. What we did last time is highly sensitive, directly<

Four types of people chanting Buddha

This article is purely personal nonsense. If there is any offense, let's go Amitabha. I have sinned and sinned, and you are good. Looking at the blog "Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City" written by @ travel memoir, there is a kind of leisurely and comfortable feeling, and also a natural sense of Zen. Remembering the old mother who has been obsessed with chanting sutras for the past two years, the title of this blog came into being. I myself have no religion

Dressing change

In October 2022, he was hospitalized for a month due to liver problems. At that time, the doctor prescribed an antiviral drug named Amy, which is called "Hengmu Amitifovir Tablets". It has been almost two years since he took it. The last time (a month ago) we went for reexamination, two pairs and a half of quantitation were still two positive, and the highly sensitive HBV DNA quantitation (commonly known as the number of viruses) was still "no viral nucleus was detected

The Hugo theme that has been half a toss is over

A month ago, Hugo theme (I forgot to insert the short code of the article because I haven't used the theme function for a long time). At that time, I just saw Mumu's teacher sending a message in the "Bibi Square", saying, "Research shows that people in a negative mood can do fine and patient work better. Therefore, we often see

a review

As the saying goes, "No good deed, no good deed will never come singly". Today's article is purely self explanatory. After all, it is about the "crime" that I was stopped by the traffic police before and after riding an electric bicycle and running a red light, and it seems that the same two policemen arrested me twice. Just write it down

Half Hugo theme

Recently, I was lovelorn and I was free, so I wanted to find something to toss about, so I started the Hugo theme. It took me two days to refer to some theme grammar, and by the way, I also consulted Mr. Mumu. Finally, I got the following half of the "circle of friends" theme. ...

A sixth grade math problem and AI answer

My daughter asked me a math problem of grade six in primary school. The problem is as follows: Find the regular math problem. The problem seems very simple, but I didn't work it out. The brain only grows to the point where the number of cubes in the increased layer is the number of the previous layer plus 4