Ohio LLC Name Search – How to Name Your LLC

 Steve Goldstein
 Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
Steve Goldstein runs LLCBuddy, helping entrepreneurs set up their LLCs easily. He offers clear guides, articles, and FAQs to simplify the process. His team keeps everything accurate and current, focusing on state rules, registered agents, and compliance. Steve’s passion for helping businesses grow makes LLCBuddy a go-to resource for starting and managing an LLC.

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At LLCBuddy, we don't just offer information; we provide a curated experience backed by extensive research and expertise. Led by Steve Goldstein, a seasoned expert in the LLC formation sector, our platform is built on years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the nuances involved in establishing and running an LLC. We've navigated the intricacies of the industry, sifted through the complexities, and packaged our knowledge into a comprehensive, user-friendly guide. Our commitment is to empower you with reliable, up-to-date, and actionable insights, ensuring you make informed decisions. With LLCBuddy, you're not just getting a tutorial; you're gaining a trustworthy partner for your entrepreneurial journey.

Forming an LLC requires a different business name, which must be unique and adheres to the guidelines. The great thing is Ohio’s Secretary of State page includes a name availability checker. Check out LLC Name Search to learn more.

Meanwhile, if you’re interested in learning more about starting an Ohio LLC or forming an LLC in general, you can check out How to Start an LLC .

How to Name an LLC in Ohio

Time needed:  5 minutes

There are guidelines to follow in doing an Ohio LLC name search . To learn more, check out LLC Naming Guidelines or read Foreign LLC Application for Registration if you’re planning to register a foreign LLC.

  1. Check Name Availability

    Search the Business Entity Records in Ohio’s Official Secretary of State page to check if your chosen business name is available. You may also try typing your trademark, business, or domain name on any search engine to generate businesses with similar names and to ensure your trademark is unique and meets the state’s requirements.

    Check out How to File a DBA to learn more about registering a DBA or trademark. For social media pages, use Social Searcher to avoid using similar page names.

  2. Check Domain Availability

    If your business name is still available, you must register for a domain name using Namecheap , Google Workspace , or other domain name sites. So customers can easily find your business over the Internet. Use the Kinsta app to manage your domains efficiently.

  3. File Name Reservation

    A Name Reservation Certificate is required along with a Certificate of Formation. You can reserve a name online, by mail, or in person with a $39 filing fee (plus tax for online).

    File your Certificate of Formation and Name Reservation online on the Secretary of State Online Services page of Ohio. You may also download the pdf file of the Name reservation form and submit it with the processing fee to P.O. Box 670 Columbus, OH 43216 for a regular filing or P.O. Box 1390 Columbus, OH 43216 with the additional fee for an expedited filing.

Guidelines to Follow in Naming LLC

  • Use a business name with the abbreviation “LLC” or the phrase “Limited Liability Company.”
  • Your decided business name must not coincide with any existing government entity. Otherwise, you might have to face legal lawsuits when filing your LLC.
  • Use the LLC name availability checker to ensure your business name is unique.
  • Get a license first if you plan on using restricted words to avoid any complications.

Note that you must put adequate effort into naming your LLC because this name will be with your business for a long time. Making your LLC name unique is vital as it would prevent people from confusing your business with others, not to mention it would be easier for them to recall your business, products, or services.

How to Do Ohio LLC Online Name Search

Naming a business is one of the critical steps in establishing any LLC. There are two things to keep in mind while naming your LLC in Ohio- it should be attractive, meaningful as well as abide by some rules. In order to choose a unique name, you can take help from the Ohio LLC name search in the following ways:

 ohio business search

Search by Business Name

Once you land on the business entity search page, you would come across several search options. One of them is to search by business name. Type the name you want to search in the field provided. You can select from different options available such as all, active, canceled, and dead.

 ohio search by business name

Search by Exact Business Name

The other option for searching is by using the exact business name. Type in the name you wish to look for in the search tab. This option gives the name of businesses registered with the exact same name.

 ohio search by exact business name

Search by Prior Business Name

There is another option to search for any business name based in Ohio. If you have the information about prior business names, you can run the search by providing the name in the search tab. The prior business name defines the business or name issued prior to the non-renewal period.

 ohio search by prior business name

Search by Agent or Registrant Name

Another way to do the business name search is through the agent or registrant name. If you have information about the person or agent related to business. You can run the search by entering the name of that person, in the search field.

 ohio search by agent name

Search by Organizer or Incorporator Name

One more way to search for the business entity name is by the Organizer or Incorporator name. You have to type the name of the incorporator or organizer in the field provided. For better results, provide the location of incorporation in the field provided underneath.

 ohio search by organizer name

Search by Entity Number

One other option to search for a business name is by the Entity ID or Document Number. It is the 6-digit unique number provided at the time of registration. You need to fill in the details in the search tab and enter. The search results will provide all the necessary information based on the number provided.

 ohio search by entity number

Search by Mark Number or Document ID

Apart from business names, you can also search by trademark number. You can provide the number in the field provided and press enter. You will get the information about the LLC registered with that particular trademark.

 ohio search by mark number

Search by Mark Description

This other option can be used to search for a business entity by providing some description of the trademark. You just need to fill in the details of the trademark, and press enter. You can opt from ‘all’, ‘active’, ‘canceled’, and ‘dead’ options available to refine your search.

 ohio search by mark description

Search by Mark Registrant Name

If you have the information about the trademark registrant’s name, you can opt for this option. Type the name of the registrant in the search field, and click on the ‘search’ button. You will get the details about LLC registered against the details provided.

 ohio search by mark registrant


What is a Trade Name?

A trade name (doing business as (DBA) name) is the official name under which a proprietor or company chooses to do business.

Is having a domain name necessary?

Having a domain isn’t necessary, but it is recommended. If you have a domain name, customers will find you more accessible through online means with your online website.

What if my name is unavailable?

For domestic LLC, you can simply brainstorm for another name if the one you pick is no longer available. For foreign LLC, you must think up a “fictitious name,” which you’ll use only in the state.

How Do I Reserve an LLC Name in Ohio

To reserve an LLC name in Ohio you need to submit a name reservation request form to the Ohio Secretary of State by mail or online by paying a filing fee of $39.

First and foremost, it is important to understand why reserving a name for your LLC is crucial. By reserving a name, you ensure that no other business in Ohio can use that same name for the next 180 days. This provides you with the opportunity to formalize your business plans, gather necessary documents, and file the paperwork required to officially register your LLC without the fear of someone else snatching up your ideal name in the meantime.

Luckily, the process of reserving an LLC name in Ohio is straightforward and can be completed online through the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. To begin, you must first search the online database to ensure that your desired name is available and not already in use by another business entity. This step is crucial as you cannot reserve a name that is already being utilized by another company.

Once you have confirmed that your desired name is available, you can proceed with submitting a Name Reservation Application online. This application requires basic information about your LLC, such as its name, the type of business it will be, and the address of its principal place of business. It also requires you to provide your contact information, including your name, email address, and phone number.

After submitting the Name Reservation Application, you will be required to pay a nominal fee in order to officially reserve your LLC name. This fee can vary depending on whether you choose a standard or expedited processing time, with expedited services typically incurring additional costs.

Upon successful reservation of your LLC name, you will receive a confirmation email containing your reserved name, reservation number, and the expiration date of the reservation. It is important to keep this information handy as you will need it when filing the necessary paperwork to officially register your LLC with the state of Ohio.

It is worth noting that while reserving a name for your LLC is important, it is just the first step in the process of establishing your business entity in Ohio. In addition to reserving a name, you will also need to file Articles of Organization with the Ohio Secretary of State, obtain any necessary licenses and permits, and adhere to state and federal tax regulations. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional or business advisor to ensure that you are following all required steps and fulfilling all obligations as you move forward with starting your own LLC.

Overall, reserving an LLC name in Ohio is a necessary and relatively simple process that provides you with peace of mind and protection as you establish your business. By following the proper steps and utilizing the resources available to you, you can efficiently reserve your desired name and lay the groundwork for a successful venture in the state of Ohio.

In Conclusion

LLC names are important as it is the main identity of your business. While naming your LLC make sure to choose the one that suits the nature of your business. Follow the naming guidelines before you start filing your LLC name

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