Top Nebraska Registered Agents – Comprehensive Guide (Jun 2024)

 Steve Goldstein
 Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
Steve Goldstein runs LLCBuddy, helping entrepreneurs set up their LLCs easily. He offers clear guides, articles, and FAQs to simplify the process. His team keeps everything accurate and current, focusing on state rules, registered agents, and compliance. Steve’s passion for helping businesses grow makes LLCBuddy a go-to resource for starting and managing an LLC.

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Nebraska Registered Agent : If you wish to start a Nebraska LLC , you have to appoint a registered agent. According to Nebraska State Law, it is mandatory to have a Nebraska Registered Agent if you are conducting business in the state. A registered agent receives all the official and legal documents from the State. They also receive the service of process if there’s any lawsuit in concern.

In the following guide, we have shared all the required information regarding hiring a registered agent, why you need a registered agent in Nebraska, and who can be a registered agent for your LLC. Read this guide carefully before you hire a Nebraska Registered Agent.

What is a Nebraska Registered Agent

A registered agent (or a statutory agent or a resident agent) in Nebraska is an individual or a business that represents your business in receiving official documents. These official papers include formation documents, business renewal documents, tax filing, and any legal document if the LLC gets sued by other companies. All these documents go straight to the registered agent’s official address in the state. While forming an LLC, it is mandatory to appoint a registered agent.

When you file the Nebraska LLC formation papers with the Secretary of State, LLCs have to mention their registered agent’s name and address. When you choose a registered agent in Nebraska, you can go for two options, hiring an in-house registered agent or outsourcing the service .

Hiring a Registered Agent in Nebraska

You may have several options for hiring a registered agent in Nebraska. To become a registered agent, one has to meet the basic eligibility criteria. If the minimum requirements are fulfilled, anyone residing in Nebraska can represent your LLC as your registered agent.

 registered agent service

Who Can Be a Registered Agent

  • The person must be above 18 years old.
  • The person must have a legal and physical address in the state where the LLC will operate.
  • The person must be physically present during normal working hours.
  • Anyone who fulfills the above requirements can act as a registered agent.
  • Recommended – You should use a professional registered agent in Nebraska always.

Can I Be My Own Registered Agent

Yes, you can be your own registered agent. In fact, any member of the LLC, managers, and the owner can be a registered agent. Besides, someone from the owners’ family, such as a spouse, relatives, or other family members, can also act as a registered agent. As mentioned above, anyone who is representing the business as an agent should fulfill the basic criteria .

Why You Shouldn’t Be Your Own Registered Agent

Many small businesses do not hire a registered agent to save a chunk of money. However, it is not recommended to be your own registered agent. There are a bunch of problems one has to face while being a registered agent of his own LLC. Following are some of the issues you face,

  • If you are operating your business from home or you are into web business, then your home address will be shared on the public portal. This address will be used for mailing and other official purposes. This will hamper your privacy.
  • A registered agent has to be physically available at the official address during working hours on working days for 52 weeks. Being your own registered agent might restrict your other work due to this.
  • The registered agent’s address must be up to date in the Secretary of State portal.

It is recommended to outsource the registered agent service to ease your work as it protects your privacy, especially if you conduct your business from home. It is always wise to outsource the RA service than be your own registered agent.

Recommended: You can get the best registered agent service at a reasonable price with online LLC service providers. We recommend using –


LegalZoom – $299 Per Year

How to Choose a Registered Agent in Nebraska

You can choose a Nebraska Registered Agent in two ways, either you can employ an in-house RA or outsource the service. Another option is to be your own registered agent. However, it is recommended to outsource the service as it is less worrisome and hassle-free.

In-house Registered Agent

As far as the in-house registered agent is concerned, it can be anyone from the LLC, including you, or you can employ an individual for this position. In that case, your office or home address will be the Registered Agent’s office address. Every LLC has to share its principal office address, mailing address, and registered agent’s office address to the state public portal. Hiring a registered agent service will make it easier as you can use the RA’s address as a mailing address.

Outsourcing Registered Agent Service

You may also avail yourself of professional registered agent services. Doing so ensures that you will have the best service provider to represent your business. Following are the best Registered Agent services on our list that will provide you with registered agents to ease your worries.

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$99 Per Year

  • LLC formation package available

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$125 Per Year

  • Free registered agent service for 1 year with LLC formation package

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Note that availing of the services of professional registered agents would be your best option since you are guaranteed that whoever is handling your legal affairs knows their stuff well. If you are forming your LLC from scratch, then with LegalZoom Registered Agent , you will get the full formation package.

What to Consider While Choosing a Nebraska Registered Agent

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a registered agent.

  • Service Fee: Since most states require formal businesses to have registered agents, selecting the best-registered agent is critical. Hiring a registered agent typically costs between $99 and $300 annually. When you consider how much time it will save you, this is a small price to pay.
  • Tenure in Business of Registered Agent: You want the registered agent to have established and time-tested procedures for handling documents. We recommend Registered Agent Services that have been in business for a long time. They are experienced and well capable of handling all your documentation.
  • State Jurisdiction Limitation : If your company expands to another state, you should use the same registered agent in all states to reduce the administrative burden of dealing with multiple registered agent service providers. Check out the best Registered Agent Services to consider for this job.
  • Offer Monitoring and Follow-up Services: You want to receive up-to-date information and alerts from your registered agent as soon as possible so that you are aware of the various statutes, rules, and regulations that apply to your company. Some of the service providers offer this service. Make sure to choose an RA service that includes this service.

How to Appoint a Registered Agent in Nebraska

At the time of submitting the Nebraska Certificate of Organization, the registered agent can be appointed by the LLC. It can be done online or by mail. No additional fee is charged for appointing a Registered Agent. Only the state filing fee should be paid.

 registered agent

Appoint Registered Agent Online

To appoint a registered agent online, you have to go to the Nebraska LLC Online Filing page and provide the information of your Registered Agent accordingly.

Appoint Registered Agent By Mail

To appoint a registered agent in Nebraska by mail, you need to download the Nebraska LLC filing Instruction . Fill up the “Registered Agent” section with appropriate details of the agent and submit it to the SOS office. For more information, read on Nebraska Certificate of Organization .

Cost of a Nebraska Registered Agent

The cost of having a registered agent can be variable. It depends on whether you are employing an in-house registered agent, being your own agent, or outsourcing the service. The cost of having a registered agent can start from $99 and go up to $300 per year. It will be cost-effective if you outsource the registered agent service in Nebraska.

Registered Agent services that also provide LLC formation packages can provide the same service at a lower price. For example, LegalZoom Registered Agent offers standalone registered agent service at $299 per year, but if you buy their LLC formation package at $0 + state fees, you might get a registered agent at a low cost.

How to Change a Registered Agent in Nebraska

To change the Nebraska registered agent, you must file a Change of registered agent or office by entity form. This form can be submitted to the Nebraska Secretary of State via mail or online.

File Online

For online filing, you need to get the online form , which is available on the Nebraska Secretary of State portal. Fill in all the necessary information of LLC as well as current and old registered agents. This form must be completed and signed by the newly appointed registered agent and any authorized member of the LLC. The signature of the new registered agent acts like the consent to be appointed as one. Submit it online.

Fee: $25 (Online) & $30 (By mail)

File By Mail

You can also choose to file the form through the mail. You need to download the Change of registered agent or office by entity form from the Nebraska Secretary of State’s portal. Fill in all the details on your computer. The completed form is to be signed by the newly appointed registered agent. The duly signed form must be sent to the following address,

Mail to : Robert B. Evnen, Secretary of State
P.O. Box 94608
Lincoln, NE 68509

How to Pay : The filing amount is payable to the Nebraska secretary of state through a credit card when filing online/by email. For paper filing, you can choose to pay through money order or check.

Why Do LLCs in Nebraska Need a Registered Agent Service

There are several reasons why a business should appoint a registered agent in Nebraska. Some of the most important reasons are listed below,

 registered agent service
  • Confidentiality : Having a registered agent service in Nebraska ensures the complete privacy of your business and related documentation. Appointing a registered agent company instead of an individual gets you privacy and confidentiality contracts beforehand.
  • Up-to-date Compliance : LLCs and corporates have plenty of paperwork and compliances that are to be updated on time. With a registered agent service, you don’t have to worry about those compliances, as your registered agent will maintain a compliance calendar.
  • Privacy : It is mandatory for businesses in Nebraska to publicly upload their address to the Nebraska Secretary of State. If you are using the home address for your business, then it would not be safe to make your private address public. On the other side, appointing a registered agent service will cover you up here as they have to provide their address to the Nebraska SOS and not yours.
  • Availability : Every registered agent has to be available during office hours of work on business days. If you hire a registered agent service, then they can be available at the required time without harming other tasks at the company.
  • Online Safe Backup : Every registered agent in Nebraska or any other state usually takes an online backup of all the documents and paperwork. This ensures the LLC papers are securely saved in a central system.
  • Lawsuits or Summons : Getting summoned or involved in a lawsuit does not leave a good impression on the employees. With a registered agent, all the related papers will be delivered to the Registered Agent’s official address. Hence, owners do not have to receive any such papers in their office in front of their employees.

Nebraska Registered Agent and Business Laws

Registered agents are responsible for addressing all legal issues and aspects related to Nebraska LLC business law. Each state has its business laws. Nebraska is no exception. Each state has its business laws. These are the top business laws that every company must follow.

Interest Law

Every state has its own interest laws for businesses. The threshold for interest rate is lower than the general guidelines. Because businesses typically agree to higher interest rates, it is not surprising. Nebraska has interest rates that are 16% if written else; the general rate is 6%. The interest rate on judgment is 1% above the bond equivalent yield. Nebraska has no Usury Law. This law charges higher interest rates for loans and advances. This interest rate is determined by the law. Nebraska has a 16% interest rate if writt en, and if not, then it will be 6%.

Antitrust Law

Antitrust law, in general, is used to detect the formation of cartels in any given market. A cartel is when two or more competitors combine forces and have an unlawful influence on supply or market price. Cartels in any market are illegal. Nebraska has the same Antitrust Law as other states. Nebraska’s statute provides that you can bring a case under this law within 4 yea rs. This law also gives plaintiffs the right to recover attorney fees as well as other damages. In Nebraska, the penalty for violating this law can lead to up to 5 years imprisonment and up to a $10,000 fine.

Trade Practice Law – Deceptive Trade Practices

Nebraska does have a Deceptive Trade Practice Law. It does, however, have penalties for trade and other deceptive acts. Any attorney general could bring the case. Plaintiff can recover the attorney fees and up to $2000 for each violation of the law.

Civil Statute of Limitation Laws

Nebraska has the Civil Statute of Limitations Laws that are identical to other states. This law permits imprisonment and hefty fines if proved guilty. There is a limit on the time you can file suit. Failure to file lawsuits within the specified time frame can result in sanctions and other actions. Up to 10 years of the time limit is given to the p laintiffs to raise the claim.

Hourly and Wage laws

Nebraska law requires that employees aged 18 and over must be paid at least $8.00 an hour. A minimum of $2.13 hourly should be paid to tipped employees. For the tipped employees, the tip should be enough to make the hourly pay $8.00. If not, then employers must raise their basic pay. For the trainees, the pay must be a minimum of $6.00 per hour. Violating the law can lead to fines up to $500.

Pyramid and Ponzi Schemes Acts

Nebraska can punish anyone who attempts to commit investment fraud with up to 6 months imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,000. Anyone who attempts investment fraud, like paying existing investors with money taken from investors, can be penalized.

These laws and cases are handled by registered agents. Nebraska has registered agents who can help you deal with these laws.


How To Change Registered Agent In Nebraska?

There is a procedure for changing the registered agent in Nebraska. The RA change application form must be downloaded, filled up, and sent to the Secretary of State through fax, mail, or online submission , depending on whatever option is most convenient for you: Robert B. Evnen, Secretary of State, P.O. Box 94608, Lincoln, NE 68509 In Nebraska, it costs $30 to switch the registered agent.

How To Become A Registered Agent In Nebraska?

You must fulfill certain conditions in order to be registered as an agent in Nebraska. One of the most crucial requirements is that you must be a mature adult (18+). You also need to be a Nebraska resident to qualify. You may apply to be a registered agent if you satisfy these requirements.

Who Can Be A Registered Agent In Nebraska?

A registered agent may be any Nebraska resident who is at least 18 years old. Any individual who satisfies the qualifications, whether connected to you or not, may be named as the registered agent for your LLC in Nebraska.

How To Change Registered Agent Address In Nebraska?

In Nebraska, it’s simple to change a registered agent’s address. You must file the RA Change Form , which may be found on the website of the Nebraska Secretary of State. Add the new address to the form. Use whichever method is most convenient for you to submit it: online , by mail to Robert B. Evnen, Secretary of State, P.O. Box 94608, Lincoln, NE 68509, or by fax. The address change might incur a cost.

How To Find A Company’s Registered Agent In Nebraska?

You may discover a company’s information by going to the website of the Nebraska Secretary of State. To find the business, use the business search tool. Check the registered agent information on the site after you’ve located it.

What Does A Registered Agent Do In Nebraska?

On your behalf, a registered agent in Nebraska is designated to serve any papers or notifications. The formal address for such correspondence is the office of the registered agent. Anyone in Nebraska who satisfies the qualifications may act as a registered agent.

How To Appoint Someone As The Registered Agent In Nebraska?

When registering your company with the Nebraska Secretary of State, you are required to provide information about the registered agent you hired. The registered agent’s name, address, contact information, and appointment date must all be included. Your registered agent will be listed with the Nebraska SOS after the formation is complete.

How To Search For Registered Agent Address In Nebraska?

Visit the official website of the Nebraska Secretary of State if you’re looking for a registered agent’s address in Nebraska. Seek the steps in the list below to look for the registered agent’s address.
1. Go to Nebraska SOS’s official website.
2. Using the firm name, look for the corporate information
3. Find the list of registered agent addresses.
This will make it simpler to locate the registered agent’s address.

How Do I Look For A Business In Nebraska By The Registered Agent Name?

To search for a business in Nebraska, go to the Nebraska Secretary of State’s website. You will find the “Search” option. You can search for a business by its name and by the registered agent’s name. Select the “registered agent” option and enter the name of your registered agent to get the business details.

What Is Required Of A Registered Agent In Nebraska?

The major requirements in Nebraska for a registered agent are that they are at least 18 years old and have a physical residence there. The individual or entity may serve as the registered agent if they are a resident of the state and are of legal age.

How To Look Up The Registered Agent Of A Corporation In Nebraska?

You must go to the Nebraska SOS if you want to check for a registered agent for a company in Nebraska. You need to click Business Search on the main page. Enter the name of the corporation if you know it to search for businesses. To find out more, choose the registered agent option.

How Do I Resign As A Registered Agent In Nebraska?

If the business the registered agent was working for requires a documented resignation letter. A resignation notification must be sent by mail, fax, or online to the Nebraska Secretary of State once the employer accepts the resignation letter. The notification must be submitted within the allotted period.

How To Update Registered Agent In Nebraska Online?

By login onto the website of the Nebraska Secretary of State, you may update a registered agent in Nebraska online . Make sure the online method is accessible for you, however, before you go through with it. In such a case, mail the RA Change Form.

How To Get A Free Registered Agent In Nebraska?

You may obtain a registered agent for nothing in Nebraska. You won’t need to physically pay anything to yourself if you act as your own registered agent. You could save money if your partner or a close acquaintance joins an agency. Finally, you have the option of using a free registered agent service in Nebraska.

How To Research For Registered Agent Information In Nebraska?

Visit the Nebraska Secretary of State’s website to learn more about the state’s registered agent. The option to “Search Business” will appear. You may look for your company using its name. You may get the registered agent’s information from the list while you wait for the results.

Where To Mail Registered Agent Forms In The State Of Nebraska?

Robert B. Evnen, Secretary of State, P.O. Box 94608, Lincoln, NE 68509, is the address to which the registered agent form (a document used to create a business) must be addressed. The registered agent is not appointed using a different form. In Nebraska, a registered agent must be designated via the formation paperwork.

If A Company Does Not Have A Registered Agent In Nebraska, Who Is Served?

You must advise the Nebraska SOS if your firm does not have a registered agent there. Since every firm in Nebraska has to have a registered agent, there can be a legal problems. You may need to act as the registered agent in Nebraska if there isn’t one.

How To Serve A Deceased Registered Agent in Nebraska?

If a registered agent passes away in Nebraska, all of their authority is lost. In Nebraska, having a registered agent is required. As a result, the business has to choose or replace a new registered agent. A manager, an official of the business, or the owner may act as the registered agent in the interim.

How To Hide Registered Agent Name From SOS Nebraska?

The possibility of hiding a registered agent’s name is not 100% certain. Because the name and address of a registered agent must be provided and submitted to the Nebraska Secretary of State’s website, you may prevent the public from seeing the identities of your owners and members if you operate an Anonymous LLC.

Who To Call To Identify Registered Agent Information In Nebraska?

You must contact the Secretary of State’s office in Nebraska to get the registered agent information. The hours are officially from 8 am to 5 pm. To speak with the executive, dial 402-471-2554. To get the information, adhere to the caller’s instructions.

What Is Registered Agent’s Consent In Nebraska?

The agreement of a registered agent in Nebraska signifies that person’s acceptance of the role. Before beginning process service in Nebraska, the newly appointed individual must provide his or her permission.

What Is The Difference Between Registered Agent And Resident Agent In Nebraska?

In Nebraska, a registered agent and a resident agent are the same titles. While the registered agent is the word used in the majority of states, the resident agent is used in other states. In every state, the designation, appointment, and registration procedures are the same.

What Happens If The Registered Agent Does Not Give A Consent In Nebraska?

If the registered agent in Nebraska refuses to agree, the business risks facing legal repercussions for making a false statement. The registered agent, however, is free to refuse any obligation that has been placed upon them.

Can An LLC Be Sued If There Is No Registered Agent In Nebraska?

Even without a registered agent, a firm in Nebraska is nevertheless subject to legal action. Due to the lack of a registered agent’s office to receive the papers, the corporation will get the legal notification in a different manner than normal.

How To Reject The Registered Agent’s Designation In Nebraska?

In Nebraska, a registered agent must file an application of rejection if they want to reject the designation. They just need to sign the declaration of rejection and mail it to the Nebraska Secretary of State. It resembles accepting the designation in many ways.

How to Remove a Registered Agent for LLC in Nebraska

A registered agent for LLC in Nebraska can be removed by filing a Statement of Change with the Nebraska Secretary of State by paying a filing fee of $25 (online) or $30 (in office).

First and foremost, it is important to understand the role of a registered agent. A registered agent is a designated person or entity that is responsible for receiving legal documents, official notices, and other important correspondence on behalf of your LLC. This includes important tax and legal documents that are crucial for the operation of your business. A registered agent must have a physical address in the state of Nebraska and be available during normal business hours to receive any important documents.

If you have decided that it is necessary to remove your current registered agent, the process in Nebraska is relatively straightforward. The first step is to ensure that you have a new registered agent lined up before making any changes. You cannot operate your business without a registered agent, so it is important to have a replacement ready to step in as soon as possible.

To officially remove your current registered agent, you will need to file a Statement of Change of Registered Agent and/or Registered Office with the Nebraska Secretary of State. This form can typically be filed online through the state’s business entity filing system or by submitting a paper form by mail. In the form, you will need to provide the name of the LLC, the name and address of the new registered agent, and the effective date of the change.

It is important to note that once the Statement of Change of Registered Agent is filed and processed by the Secretary of State, your new registered agent will officially take over the role. It is your responsibility to notify your current registered agent of the change and to ensure that all necessary documents and correspondence are rerouted to the new agent in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in missed deadlines or important information being lost in the sh uffle.

In conclusion, removing a registered agent for your LLC in Nebraska is a necessary step that should be taken with care and attention to detail. By understanding the process and ensuring that you have a replacement lined up, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. Remember that the role of a registered agent is critical to the operation of your business and staying in compliance with state regulations, so be sure to choose a new agent that is reliable and capable of handling the responsibilities effectively.

In Conclusion

Before you choose a registered agent for your Nebraska LLC, compare their price and services from the table. They will be responsible for all your documentation, filings, and other LLC-related tasks. Hence, choose the best one for your business that provides 100% accurate service at a reasonable price.

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