date Sogou weight Index amount PC Word Size Mobile word volume Sogou PC origin Sogou's way of moving Total estimated route
      2024-06-30 one 2,017,708 seven hundred and fifteen six hundred and eleven 214 ~ 305 150 ~ 230 364 ~ 535
      2024-06-29 one 2,017,708 seven hundred and eleven six hundred and eleven 190 ~ 268 150 ~ 248 340 ~ 516
      2024-06-28 one 2,017,708 seven hundred and six six hundred and ten 189 ~ 311 159 ~ 230 348 ~ 541
      2024-06-27 one 2,017,708 seven hundred and four six hundred and ten 199 ~ 288 167 ~ 230 366 ~ 518
      2024-06-26 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-six six hundred and eleven 197 ~ 285 159 ~ 212 356 ~ 497
      2024-06-25 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-six six hundred and eleven 208 ~ 296 159 ~ 212 367 ~ 508
      2024-06-24 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-six six hundred and six 197 ~ 274 149 ~ 246 346 ~ 520
      2024-06-23 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-seven six hundred and five 197 ~ 296 166 ~ 219 363 ~ 515
      2024-06-22 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-eight six hundred and three 198 ~ 275 157 ~ 236 355 ~ 511
      2024-06-21 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-seven six hundred and two 186 ~ 307 157 ~ 244 343 ~ 551
      2024-06-20 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety-four six hundred 197 ~ 284 156 ~ 217 353 ~ 501
      2024-06-19 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety six hundred 206 ~ 293 147 ~ 226 353 ~ 519
      2024-06-18 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-nine five hundred and ninety-nine 184 ~ 271 147 ~ 208 331 ~ 479
      2024-06-17 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-seven five hundred and ninety-eight 195 ~ 270 164 ~ 234 359 ~ 504
      2024-06-16 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-seven six hundred 184 ~ 303 164 ~ 226 348 ~ 529
      2024-06-15 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-seven five hundred and ninety-nine 195 ~ 303 164 ~ 208 359 ~ 511
      2024-06-14 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety five hundred and ninety-two 195 ~ 304 146 ~ 223 341 ~ 527
      2024-06-13 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety five hundred and ninety-four 206 ~ 261 146 ~ 224 352 ~ 485
      2024-06-12 one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety five hundred and eighty-eight 195 ~ 293 145 ~ 204 340 ~ 497
      2024-06-11 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-nine five hundred and ninety-one 206 ~ 293 163 ~ 205 369 ~ 498
      2024-06-10 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-six five hundred and ninety 204 ~ 258 145 ~ 213 349 ~ 471
      2024-06-09 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-four five hundred and ninety-three 182 ~ 278 163 ~ 240 345 ~ 518
      2024-06-08 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-three five hundred and eighty-nine 192 ~ 299 162 ~ 204 354 ~ 503
      2024-06-07 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-six five hundred and ninety 182 ~ 278 162 ~ 204 344 ~ 482
      2024-06-06 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-four five hundred and ninety-one 202 ~ 256 154 ~ 239 356 ~ 495
      2024-06-05 one 2,017,708 six hundred and eighty-two five hundred and ninety 201 ~ 254 153 ~ 205 354 ~ 459
      2024-06-04 one 2,017,708 six hundred and seventy-seven five hundred and eighty-nine 179 ~ 263 162 ~ 238 341 ~ 501
      2024-06-03 one 2,017,708 six hundred and seventy-six five hundred and eighty-six 189 ~ 262 161 ~ 220 350 ~ 482
      2024-06-02 one 2,017,708 six hundred and seventy-five five hundred and eighty-six 178 ~ 273 161 ~ 212 339 ~ 485
      2024-06-01 one 2,017,708 six hundred and seventy-four five hundred and eighty-one 199 ~ 252 159 ~ 227 358 ~ 479
      average value one 2,017,708 six hundred and ninety five hundred and ninety-seven 195 ~ 282 157 ~ 223 352 ~ 505