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Cough, cough, cough... Why does TB like to "patronize" student groups?

08:53, March 26, 2024 yes zero Ginseng zero Comments


Cough all day

What is this mischief?

Is it the new crown? Or flu?

Or bronchitis?

Don't forget

It could be


Didn't tuberculosis have long been eliminated?

Wrong Wrong

It never left

Is still quietly endangering our health

March 24th is

The 29th World Tuberculosis Day

This year's theme is

"You and I work together to end the TB epidemic"

Let's act together

Don't let this stubborn fellow, phthisis, succeed!


Authoritative, easy, practical

Health micro video column

Today we invite

Dongguan Sixth People's Hospital

Li Xiaonan, Deputy Chief Doctor of Tuberculosis Department

For our science popularization

What is TB?

The disease that Cantonese call "pulmonary tuberculosis" is pulmonary tuberculosis. Hearing the name, will you be "flustered".

Like other tuberculosis, the driving force behind tuberculosis is tuberculosis bacilli.

The 15000 year old man made a mistake, which made the "good man" suffer.

He likes to live in the "hotel" of lung, which is full of oxygen and comfortable.

But don't worry, we have found its weakness: fear of ultraviolet rays, heat, alcohol, etc.

According to our doctor's requirements, the vast majority of tuberculosis patients can be cured.

On the contrary, ignoring it will affect your health, work and life, and even cause respiratory failure and death in serious cases.

Students can go to school only after they are cured of tuberculosis and diagnosed by doctors in designated hospitals and issued a certificate of resumption of schooling.

Tuberculosis also has "tight connection"

Tuberculosis is a highly contagious respiratory disease.

The direct contacts of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis patients from 3 months before diagnosis to 14 days after treatment are called "close contacts of pulmonary tuberculosis".

It includes the family members of the patients or the people who have lived with them for more than 7 days, and the partners in the same class, workshop, office or dormitory.

Students in the same class can be "judged" as close contacts.

It is suggested that the above partners receive tuberculosis screening, which will help to find all tuberculosis patients in time, thus blocking the transmission.

What needs screening

The school is the student's stronghold. If the "bully" of tuberculosis appears, the consequences are simply

Therefore, since 2023, the Municipal Health Bureau and the Municipal Education Bureau have taken the initiative to require high school freshmen to be screened for tuberculosis.

The purpose is to find patients as soon as possible, take corresponding measures as soon as possible, and never let this "bully" run amok in the campus.

Of course, if you have cough, expectoration, low fever, fatigue, emaciation, night sweats, chest pain, dyspnea and other symptoms that last for two weeks, you are also recommended to go to a designated hospital for screening.

Tuberculosis likes to find "soft persimmons", and these people are especially careful.

"The Best Doctor" reminds you: defuse the "nuclear" attack and keep your "lungs" healthy!

Source: Dongguan      Editor: Xiao Di Key words: tuberculosis; Infection; prevention and cure
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