Several settings that must be modified after installing the pagoda panel

1、 Modify the default port and security entrance of the pagoda panel

First, we can modify the default port of the pagoda panel. The modified location is in the "Panel Settings" in the menu on the left. The default port is 8888. We can change it to another port we like. It is recommended to randomly select between 8888 – 65535. The more irregular the better. After modification, save it to take effect. The security entrance is also modified as shown in Figure 2, with numbers and English mixed.

2、 Release the specified port

In the "Security" menu on the left side of the panel, we only release the specified ports, such as SSH port, SSL port, FTP port (the editor did not install PureFTPd, so [39000-40000, 20, 21] these ports have been deleted, and you can use them yourself), Web port, and website default port. Other unnecessary ports can be released.

In addition, after modifying the port of the panel, confirm whether the port released here has been changed. If not, it needs to be modified.

Tips: Please delete unnecessary ports according to your own requirements. The figure below is just an example.

3、 Modify default account and password

Finally, we can change the default account and password automatically generated during installation. In "Panel Settings", we can see the options to modify panel users and panel passwords. We can click Modify and change it to our favorite user name and password, which is very simple.

It is recommended that the user name and password are complex enough, long enough, and complex enough.

4、 Modify SSH Port

In the "Security" menu on the left side of the panel, the SSH port is 22 by default. Everyone knows this port. It is recommended to change it to another two digit port. After the modification, the previous 22 port is deleted.

After saving, we felt that the safety of our pagoda panels had been improved and we could feel more secure.

The above is the details of the simple security settings after the installation of the pagoda panel. Welcome to use Cotton cloud Serve you wholeheartedly!

Brother Jiong

I haven't learned to write personal instructions yet!

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