[AMH panel] AMH-7.0 panel software amupstream-1.1 was released.

Software name: amupstream-1.1
Software classification: application software
Software category: WEB application
Version No.: 1.1
Amupstream-1.1 Software Introduction


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Update and upgrade to amupstream-1.1, update compatible with php8.1, optimize installation and creation environment scripts, fix repeated loading configuration problems of individual creation nodes, optimize MySQL commands, simplify command line running, etc. Amupstream is an AMH load balancing module that can be applied to the lngx environment. With amupstream, you can add load balancing services, add management load nodes, set weights, node health checks and other parameters. At present, amupstream load balancing algorithms support default weight first, free node first, user IP, user cookie ID matching and other methods, Cookie matching can effectively solve the problem of session maintenance with network and CDN users, and maintain the user login session state.


Published on: June 27, 2022

Brother Jiong

I haven't learned to write personal instructions yet!

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