Other templates

HTML5 source code for making invitation template of wedding electronic invitation


LeSearch source code was released at 11:32 on March 9, 2024

HTML5 wedding electronic invitation template production source code source code automatic identification mobile phone or computer terminal, adaptive page, the invitation adopts the slide show method, including the title and end, with music control switch. Users can send invitations to their circle of friends or friends by sharing. It can be directly uploaded to the server and can be modified without background management. Wedding invitations like this are easy to spread

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An elegant and simple Apple CMS video video template - Big Orange template v5.0


LeSearch source code was released at 11:32 on March 9, 2024

An elegant and concise Apple CMS video film template - Big Orange Template v5.0 Apple CMS is a content management system with rich functions and easy use, mainly used for building video websites. Dazhuzi template is a popular template in Apple CMS because of its simplicity, ease of use and beauty

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Deeply analyze the application of CSS style in advertising layout and responsive design


LeSearch source code was released at 21:03 on January 12, 2024

In web design, CSS style plays a vital role in the presentation and interaction of content. This article will analyze a specific CSS code example to illustrate how it can be used to implement a display module of advertising space with multiple color changes and responsive layout. First, we focus on this CSS code and define a class selection named ". tp-ad-text1"

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PHP judges whether WeChat or QQ is opened, and if yes, the jump prompt must use the browser opening method


Lesou source code released at 11:58 on September 25, 2023

PHP judges whether WeChat or QQ is opened, and if it is, the jump prompt must use the browser opening method. Because the installation package cannot be downloaded in WeChat, you can open a third-party browser to download by this method, and also avoid the domain name being blocked by WeChat QQ, Tutorial: 1. Create a new folder jump 2. Upload the entire plug-in file to the jump directory 2. Modify the index of your website template homepage

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Source code method of random picture display in PHP

LeSearch source code released at 11:17 on September 25, 2023

The source code method for PHP to display random pictures shares two methods. You can use this method to display random pictures, and you can also advertise. Method 1: Scheme 1 code: PHP<? header('Content-Type: image/png'); $ img_array = glob('img/*. {gif,jp...

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