Lab curriculum applet source code v1.0.0 Thinkphp front-end and back-end separation

Lab Curriculum Applet Source code V1.0.0 Thinkphp front and rear end separation

Lab curriculum applet source code is a front-end separation system developed based on Thinkphp system.
Introduction to source code functions
1. Couple function
2. Message between lovers
3. Couples set curriculum background for each other
4. Background setting of your daily and weekly curriculum
5. Course schedule import of educational administration system
6. Import the curriculum shared by others
7. Import single lesson shared by others
8. Multi school support
9. Atmosphere settings at the top of the home page (administrator settings, festival atmosphere)
Environmental requirements
1. Server: php+mysql (based on fastadmin)
2. Applet side: native+colorui
1. Self provided server and filed domain name
2. To apply for an https certificate, the dnspod website can Free Admission Applied for one year
3. Installation PHP Running environment (PHP>=7.1 and=5.5.0)
4. To WeChat Public platform, apply for an applet to obtain AppID and AppSecret
Server side deployment tutorial
1. Add a site and upload the code to the root directory
2. The public directory bound to the project is the running directory, and the pseudo static selection of thinkphp
3. Enter your bound domain name, and it will automatically jump to the installation interface
4. Install according to the prompts (the above three steps are actually to install the fastadmin framework)
5. Enter the background, plug-in management, search for "training schedule", and install
6. Install third-party login plug-in
7. Set the applet AppID and AppSecret (available on WeChat public platform), practice the Lab secret key (if the independent version is deployed, you can generate a 16 bit string yourself), and don't change the site ID!!!
8. The server is deployed
Note: If you don't have a server, you can use our SaaS version, that is, our server. The applet is still your own
Applet side deployment tutorial
Applet source code in wx app Folder
In the WeChat developer tool, select the project in the upper left corner, import the project, and select this folder
1. Modify the cryptoKey in the config.js file to generate a 16 bit string
2. Change the domain name in baseUrl to your own (please add a white list in the WeChat public platform)
3. Change the appid in the project.config.json file to your own
4. WeChat developer tool, in the details in the upper right corner, check ES6 to ES5
5. If an error is reported, please check whether the white list is configured. After configuration, in the project configuration (see the upper right corner of the figure above), click Refresh
6. Preview, upload if there is no problem
User Manual
1. Atmosphere settings at the top of the home page. Because the curriculum applet is too tool and has no miscellaneous functions, the operational space is not strong, so this function has been added, such as changing the background of the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival. It can even open contributions, allowing students to take photos of the campus landscape and sign their names, and changing one every day.
2. Class time, winter time and summer time can be set in different schools, which will not affect each other, and will automatically switch to the date
3. The curriculum of the educational administration system needs to be adapted. At present, the educational administration system supports Zhengfang and Qingguo
4. Sharing the whole curriculum can generate small program code, which is applicable to the same class. If the curriculum is consistent, print the small program code directly for students to scan and import the curriculum
5. Sharing a single lesson is applicable to the situation that the curriculum of each student is inconsistent. You can paste the small program code of a single lesson directly at the door of the classroom and only import the curriculum of the lesson

 Lab curriculum applet source code v1.0.0 Thinkphp front-end and back-end separation

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