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Who bears the extra insurance compensation for the traffic accident occurred in the car borrowing
According to the provisions of Article 49 of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China, if a traffic accident occurs due to a borrowed motor vehicle, and it is the responsibility of the motor vehicle, the insurance company shall compensate within the insurance coverage; The insufficient part shall be compensated by the vehicle user; If the vehicle owner is at fault for the occurrence of the damage, he shall bear the corresponding
What should I do if I don't compensate for driving without a license? 2024.09.02 What's the way to deal with the loss of money? 2024.09.02 Can the stepmother get compensation for death in traffic accidents? 2024.09.02 What is the compensation standard for nutrition after discharge from hospital due to traffic accident 2024.09.02 What is the procedure for replacing a lost driver's license? 2024.09.02 What is the sentencing standard for driving without a license and killing people? 2024.09.02 How much is the 15 day bail for unlicensed driving 2024.09.02 How long does it take to file the driver's license? 2024.09.02 What is the classification standard of road traffic accidents? 2024.09.02 What is the probation procedure for traffic accident crime 2024.09.02
What are the identification standards for rib fracture and disability in traffic accidents
What is the penalty for 90 to 100 drunk driving?
How to deal with drunk driving blood test 99

Legal disputes More>

Medical disputes Internet disputes Tax disputes Property disputes Labor disputes dispute Construction project disputes

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Worker's Compensation Damages compensate for

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How does the Criminal Law stipulate the standard of sentencing for accomplished intentional injury?
The criminal law stipulates that the standard of sentencing for the accomplished crime of intentional injury is: the principal punishment of fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. Whoever commits the crime of intentional injury and causes serious injury to another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years; Whoever causes death or serious injury to another person by especially cruel means and causes serious disability shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death.
What is the compensation standard for work-related injury death? 2022.07.30 What is the latest standard of occupational injury care fees? 2022.07.30 When is the latest time for industrial injury appraisal 2022.07.30 Is it a crime to hurt people slightly with a knife 2022.07.30 What are the burden of proof for the determination of work-related injuries 2022.07.30 I would like to ask how to compensate for the two nine levels of industrial injury appraisal 2022.07.30 How to apply for compensation for work-related injuries 2022.07.30 How to judge minor injuries 2022.07.30 What are the specific standards of compensation for work-related injury and disability in public institutions? 2022.07.30 How long will it take to hand in the industrial injury application form 2022.07.30
What is the difference between industrial injury and human injury
Critical injury identification standard?
Chongqing Industrial Injury Death Compensation Standard 2020

Contractual operation More>

Company operation Contract affairs contract

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How is the age condition of the company legal person stipulated
There is no upper limit on the age of legal persons when starting a company. [Legal basis] Article 147 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that a person who has one of the following circumstances shall not serve as a director, supervisor or senior manager of the company: 1. No civil capacity or limited civil capacity; 2. Because of corruption
What are the certification bases of the company's legal representative 2024.09.13 Who bears the stamp tax on equity transfer 2024.09.13 What are the legal person provisions in the Company Law 2024.09.13 Must other shareholders agree to the equity transfer 2024.09.13 How to deal with the case of company legal person's private seal 2024.09.13 What conditions should be met for bona fide acquisition of equity 2024.09.13 What is the signing process of equity transfer contract 2024.09.13 What information is needed to change the company legal person 2024.09.13 How is the resolution avoidance of the shareholders' meeting stipulated in the Company Law 2024.09.13 How to Transfer Equity of Limited Liability Company 2024.09.13
Does the transfer of equity among shareholders of the partnership require the consent of all shareholders
Difficulties Faced in the Practice of Shareholder Equity Transfer of Limited Liability Company
Is the equity transfer contract signed for the transfer of equity at an obviously unreasonable low price effective

Litigation defense More>

criminal defense Litigation and arbitration litigation Non litigation

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What is the premise of entrusting police stations with judicial expertise
Judicial expertise in criminal cases is conducive to finding out the facts of the case, ensuring the principle of fairness and justice, and has been widely used in judicial practice. The expert opinion is not only conducive to the appraisers to accept inquiries, but also needs to rely on the professional opinions of expert assistants. Entrusting the police station through judicial appraisal is more fair and fair in our country's laws, so that our rights and interests are protected to a greater extent. 1、 The premise of the police station entrusted with judicial expertise is that the public prosecution case is generally entrusted with judicial expertise by the unit receiving the case. In private prosecution and civil cases, the parties or the entrusted persons shall apply for judicial expertise. If it is a punishment
What are the procedures for judicial expertise of rib fracture 2022.07.13 How long will you stay on bail 2022.07.13 How to write the application for judicial appraisal of housing loss? 2022.07.13 What are the criminal private prosecution cases in China 2022.07.13 What are the differences between obtaining a guarantor pending trial before arrest approval and obtaining a guarantor pending trial after arrest approval 2022.07.13 What are the exclusions of illegal evidence in the new criminal procedure 2022.07.13 What is the significance of criminal incidental civil action 2022.07.13 What is the specific legal basis for the transfer from bail pending trial to residential surveillance 2022.07.13 How to select lawyers for legal services in criminal cases pending bail in Shanghai 2022.07.13 What is the procedure of Shanghai Baoshan judicial expertise? 2022.07.13
How to write the defense of the crime of pyramid selling exempt from criminal punishment?
Under what circumstances can criminal compensation be claimed
How to stipulate the time limit of judicial expertise prosecution