Labels: queries

34 results found

Realizing the function of locating nearby XXX in LBS based on Redis Geo

High performance Redis practice Practical Battle Beginner Level Chapter

Start with LBS applications In today's mobile Internet in full swing, various LBS (Location Based Services) should

Published by Xueyuan Jun 3 years ago    Number of views: 4920    Number of likes: 5

How to use indexes to optimize queries with paging, sorting, and grouping statistics

High performance MySQL Index

When we perform daily SQL queries, we often use additional constraints such as LIMIT and ORDER BY to filter the result set, so that the returned results meet our expectations

Published by Xueyuan Jun 3 years ago    Number of views: 1433    Number of likes: 2

The overall architecture of MySQL server and the execution process of SQL query statements

High performance MySQL Overall architecture

After the MySQL database client successfully establishes a connection with the server and completes user authentication, it can send SQL statements to interact with the server: Next, let's come together

Published by Xueyuan Jun 3 years ago    Views: 2250    Number of likes: 2

JQuery Foundation

Authoritative Guide to JavaScript jQuery

Introduction to jQuery The core API of JavaScript is designed simply, but due to the incompatibility between browsers, the API of the client is too complex

Published by Xueyuan Jun 3 years ago    Number of views: 2056    Number of likes: 0

Interaction with MySQL database through PDO extension (I): basic use

PHP Beginner to Practical Tutorial Database operation

In the last tutorial, Xuejun introduced you how to interact with MySQL database through PHP's built-in MySQL extension. Today, let's take a look at another PHP

Published by Xueyuan Jun 4 years ago    Number of views: 4941    Number of likes: 1

Query and setting of properties

Authoritative Guide to JavaScript object

basic operation We can get object property values through. or [] (JavaScript objects are associative arrays, so you can access properties through square brackets): var a...

Published by Xueyuan Jun 4 years ago    Number of views: 2208    Number of likes: 0

How to use larravel between?


Version 5.6 background management needs to be filtered, and the paging needs to be carried with the query parameters There is a date query I put all the parameters into one $where, b

Founded by Ye Baishou 5 years ago    Views: 13443    Number of answers: 2

Interface (III): interface and type query and conversion

Go Getting Started Tutorial object-oriented programming

Interface/Type Query in PHP In PHP, we can use the type operator instanceof to determine whether a variable belongs to an instance of a specified class or interface

Published by Xueyuan Jun 4 years ago    Views: 13378    Number of likes: 10

Use the larravel repository extension package to implement the encapsulation of model class operations

Larravel Premium Expansion Pack Database dependency

brief introduction For more instructions on the use of the repository, please stamp the repository document address here laravel-reposito...

Published by Little Bug 5 years ago    Views: 7975    Number of likes: 2

Implementation flow of find method in Eloquent ORM


What is Eloquent ORM? Laravel's Eloquent ORM provides a beautiful and concise ActiveRecord implementation

Published 5 years ago by cxp1539    Views: 10505    Number of likes: 3

Advanced Chapter (V): Query with Global Scope and Local Scope on Eloquent Model Class

Laravel Beginner to Proficient Tutorial Database and Eloquent Model

Problem elicitation In this tutorial, we have learned how to perform various queries in the Eloquent model class, but

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 22316    Like: 8

Advanced Chapter (II) - Implement simple addition, deletion, modification and query operations through Eloquent model

Laravel Beginner to Proficient Tutorial Database and Eloquent Model

summary Eloquent is an ActiveRecord ORM framework. The full name of ORM is Object Relational Map

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 34573    Number of likes: 10

Advanced Level (I): Implementing Complex Query Statements through Query Builder

Laravel Beginner to Proficient Tutorial Database and Eloquent Model

In the last tutorial, we implemented simple add, delete, change and query operations through the query builder. In daily development, more complex query statements are often involved, such as join query, sub query, row

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Number of views: 40445    Like: 17

Introduction (IV): Implement simple addition, deletion, modification and query operations through the query builder

Laravel Beginner to Proficient Tutorial Database and Eloquent Model

Through the warm-up of the previous tutorials, we have connected to the database, created the data table, and filled in the data. Next, we will add or delete the database in the Laravel application

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 28182    Like: 8

quick get start

Larave 5.7 Chinese documents Database operation

brief introduction Laravel makes it very simple to connect different databases and add, delete, modify, and query databases, whether using native SQL, query builder, or Eloq

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 35768    Like: 6