Full text search solution: Larravel Scout

brief introduction

Larravel Scout is Eloquent model Full text search implementation provides a simple, driver based solution. By using a model observer, Scout automatically updates the index of model records synchronously.

At present, Scout has passed the Algolia The driver provides the search function. However, it is easy to write a custom driver. You can easily extend Scout through your own search implementation.

Note: Algolia is a managed full-text search engine. We can quickly realize real-time search function in websites and mobile applications through its API. Algolia provides services for a fee, but we can use its free version for testing. The free version supports 10000 records/100000 operations.


First, we use Composer package manager to install Scout:

 composer require laravel/scout

After installation, you need to use the Artisan command vendor:publish Publish Scout configuration. This command will publish the configuration file scout.php reach config catalog:

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"

Finally, if you want a model to support Scout search, you need to add Laravel\Scout\Searchable Trait to the corresponding model class, which will register the model observer to maintain the consistency between the search driver and the model record data:

 <? php namespace App; use Laravel\Scout\Searchable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Post extends Model { use Searchable; }


Although not mandatory, it is strongly recommended to configure a Queue driven Running a queue process will allow Scout to push all synchronization model information to the search index to the queue, thus providing faster response time for the application's Web interface.

After configuring the queue driver config/scout.php Set in queue The value of the option is true

 'queue' => env('SCOUT_QUEUE', true),

Drive preparatory knowledge


To use the Algolia driver, you need to check the configuration file config/scout.php Set Algolia's id and secret Information (This information can be found in the user's background after logging in to Algolia, corresponding to the Application ID and Admin API Key under API Keys respectively). After configuration, you need to install the Algolia PHP SDK through the Composer package manager:

 composer require algolia/algoliasearch-client-php

to configure

Configure Model Index

Each Eloquent model is synchronized through a given search "index", which contains all searchable model records. In other words, you can think of the index as a MySQL data table. By default, each model will be persisted to the index matching the table name of the model (usually the plural form of the model name). However, you can override the searchableAs Method to override this default setting:

 <? php namespace App; use Laravel\Scout\Searchable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Post extends Model { use Searchable; /** *Get the index name of the model * * @return string */ public function searchableAs() { return 'posts_index'; } }

Configure Search Data

By default, the model uses the full toArray The format is persisted to the search index. If you want to customize the data persisted to the search index, you can overwrite the toSearchableArray method:

 <? php namespace App; use Laravel\Scout\Searchable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Post extends Model { use Searchable; /** *Get the index data array of the model * * @return array */ public function toSearchableArray() { $array = $this->toArray(); //Custom Array return $array; } }


Batch import

If you install Scout into an existing project, there may have been database records that can be imported into search driven databases before the project. Scout provides Artisan commands import Used to import all existing data to the search index:

 php artisan scout:import "App\Post"

After the import is successful, we can see the index data successfully imported in the background of Algolia:

Add Record

add to Laravel\Scout\Searchable After the trait is added to the model, all you need to do is save the model instance, and then the instance will be automatically added to the model index. If you have configured Scout Use Queue , the operation will be pushed to the queue for execution in the background:

 $post = new App\Post; $post ->title='What is Scout '; $post ->content='Scout is an official full-text search solution provided by Larvel '; $post->user_id = 1; $post->save();

After the model data is saved, it will also be synchronized to Algolia through Scout:

Add by Query

If you want to add the model collection to the search index through Eloquent query, you can append it after Eloquent query searchable Method call. searchable Method score Chunking Query and add the results to the search index. Again, if you configure Scout to use queues, all chunk queries will be pushed to the queue in the background:

 //Add by Eloquent Query App\Post::where('user_id', '>', 10)->searchable(); //You can also add records through association $user->posts()->searchable(); //You can also add records through collections $posts->searchable();

searchable The method will perform the "upsert" operation. In other words, if the model record already exists in the index, it will be updated. If it does not exist, it will be added.

Update records

To update the model that supports search, simply update the properties of the model instance and save the model to the database. Scout will automatically persist updates to the search index:

 $post = App\Post::find(2); $post ->title='Who is the academic gentleman '; $post ->content='Academician created Laravel College, hence the name'; $post->save();

Go to Algolia to check the index data, which has been updated:

You can also use the searchable Method to update the model collection. If the model does not exist in the search index, it will be created:

 //Update by Eloquent Query App\Post::where('user_id', '>', 10)->searchable(); //You can also update by association $user->posts()->searchable(); //You can also update through collections $posts->searchable();

Delete Record

To delete a record from the index, just delete the corresponding record from the database. This deletion method is even compatible Soft Delete Model:

 $post = App\Post::find(1); $post->delete();

If you don't want to get the model before deleting records, you can use the model to query the unsearchable method:

 //Remove by Eloquent Query App\Post::where('user_id', '>', 10)->unsearchable(); //You can also remove it through association $user->posts()->unsearchable(); //You can also remove $posts->unsearchable();

Pause Indexing

Sometimes you need to perform batch Eloquent operations without synchronizing model data to the search index withoutSyncingToSearch Method. This method receives a callback that is executed immediately. All model operations in this callback will not be synchronized to the search index:

 App\Post::withoutSyncingToSearch(function () { // Perform model actions... });


You can search Method to search a model. This method receives a string used to search the model. Then you need to call a get Method to obtain the Eloquent model matching the given search query:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('college ') ->get();

Since Scout search returns Eloquent model sets, you can even return results directly from routes or controllers, which will be automatically converted to JSON format:

 use Illuminate\Http\Request; Route::get('/search', function (Request $request) { return App\Post::search($request->search)->get(); });

When searching for "Academy", two search results are returned:

If you want to get the original search results instead of the converted Eloquent model, you can use raw method:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('college ') ->raw();

The returned data is as follows:

The search query uses the searchAs Method. However, you can also use the within method to specify a custom index for searching:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('college ') ->within('users_index') ->get();

Where clause

Scout allows you to add simple where clauses to search queries. Currently, these clauses only support simple numeric equality checks. Since search indexes are not relational databases, more advanced where clauses do not support:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('Academy ') ->where ('user_id', 1) ->get();


In addition to obtaining the model collection, you can also use the paginate Method to paginate the search results. This method returns a Paginator Example - just like you Paging traditional Eloquent queries Same:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('college ') ->paginate();

The returned results are as follows:

You can pass in the quantity as paginate The first parameter of the method specifies how many models are displayed per page:

 $posts=App  Post:: search ('college ') ->paginate (15);

After obtaining the results, you can use the Blade Display the results and render paging links, just like paging traditional Eloquent queries:

@foreach ($orders as $order) {{ $order->price }} @endforeach
{{ $orders->links() }}

Custom Engine

Writing engine

If a built-in Scout search engine does not meet your needs, you can write a customized engine and register it with Scout. The customized engine needs to inherit from an abstract class Laravel\Scout\Engines\Engine , this abstract class contains seven methods that the custom engine must implement:

 use Laravel\Scout\Builder; abstract public function update($models); abstract public function delete($models); abstract public function search(Builder $builder); abstract public function paginate(Builder $builder, $perPage, $page); abstract public function mapIds($results); abstract public function map($results, $model); abstract public function getTotalCount($results);

The implementation of these methods can be referred to Laravel\Scout\Engines\AlgoliaEngine Class, which provides the best template for us to learn how to implement these methods in the custom engine.

Registration Engine

After writing a custom engine, you can use the extend Method to register it to Scout. You need to AppServiceProvider (or other service providers) boot This is called in the extend method. For example, if you write MySqlSearchEngine , you can register as follows:

 use Laravel\Scout\EngineManager; /** *Start any application service * * @return void */ public function boot() { resolve(EngineManager::class)->extend('mysql', function () { return new MySqlSearchEngine; }); }

After the engine is registered, the configuration file config/scout.php Set it as the default driver of Scout:

 'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'mysql'),

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