Xueyuanjun WeChat video account has been opened, and I will share technology on it

WeChat has recently opened up a "video number" in full. You are going to use this platform as a platform for sharing technology and recording some meaningful moments in life. Welcome to pay attention to:

 Xueyuanjun video number

Now you have started recording " PHP Full Stack Engineer Guide The "" series will also record new PHP features, such as JIT, annotations, and joint types. Later, we will record Go entry series, SQL entry series, and the use of daily development tools, such as PhpStorm, Goland, VS Code, Git, as well as broader algorithms, data structures, design patterns, and security attack and defense.

 Xueyuan Jun's video number

Of course, as for video recording and editing, Xuejun is still a beginner, and I will continue to explore and optimize how to share technology with you in one minute.

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