Sponsor College Jun

Subscription Service

Laravel College focuses on providing high-quality Laravel full stack development Chinese courses to help people learn, work and start their own businesses. It also promises that all basic introduction and corresponding practical graphic and text courses will always be free, so as to help more students open the door to the programming world at a lower cost. In order to maintain the long-term update and maintenance of the website, it launched a value-added "subscription service", You can upgrade to a subscriber by purchasing the "Academic Subscription Service" to enjoy the corresponding value-added services. These services currently include the following (which will be expanded in the future):

  • Programmer's Internal Skill Cultivation As the saying goes, if the foundation is not solid, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. Academician specially provides "Programmer's Internal Skill Training Series" (continuously updated) to help people master the underlying principles, so as to know what is true and why, covering Data structure and algorithm Network Protocol Microservice MySQL Redis Nginx, distributed algorithms and applications, etc., detailed content plan Click here to view
  • Exclusive community service : At present, it includes the "Academic Subscription Service" knowledge planet and exclusive WeChat group, where you can learn, exchange and discuss. If you learn alone without friends, you will be lonely and unknown;
  • Technical learning consultation : You can have one-on-one communication with Mr. Xueyuan about all the problems encountered in the course of learning on the website of Laravel College. If necessary, you can provide remote assistance. You can also consult with Mr. Xueyuan about the overall design and implementation scheme of the project requirements;
  • Website updates and content planning : Xuejun will publish the latest news and content plan of the website on the "Xuejun Subscription Service" knowledge planet, so that you can learn the functions and content updates of the website at the first time.

It should be pointed out that subscription services need to be paid to maintain the normal operation and content maintenance of the website. You can click the upgrade link below to purchase through WeChat scanning code. For logged in users, the system will automatically upgrade you to an academic subscriber. Join us now and learn and progress together with thousands of subscription partners:

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The upgraded students can scan the code to add Xueyuan Jun's WeChat (if the automatic upgrade fails, you can also contact me in this way). I will bring you to the knowledge planet and WeChat learning group. Please note "subscription service" when adding me:

 Scan the code to add Xueyuanjun WeChat

Note: Users who pay through Knowledge Planet can also be transferred to lifelong subscription users for free. The two are interconnected and do not pay repeatedly.

You can preview the content of knowledge planet through WeChat scanning:

 Scholar subscription service knowledge planet


Thanks to all the following subscribers. It is your support that enables you to maintain the website content update continuously:

Subscriber Thank You Wall

Small amount sponsorship

If you are still a student party and are really short of money, you can also make a little contribution to the website operation by clicking on the ads placed on the website (just mean it, don't click frequently, otherwise it will be considered as cheating), or give me a small amount of sponsorship through Alipay/WeChat payment (users of small amount sponsorship can leave a message in the comment area below to show their gratitude):

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