User authentication and authorization

Implementing RBAC permission management in Laravel 5 using the Trust expansion package (I): Installation and configuration

Trust provides a simple and flexible way for us to implement role-based access control (RBAC) in Larvel. 1. Installation Want to

Published by Xueyuan Jun 8 years ago    Views: 111799    Like: 39

Implementing RBAC permission management in Laravel 5 using the Trust expansion package (II): Usage

In the previous tutorial, we discussed how to install and configure Entrust. In this tutorial, we will discuss its use in detail. 1. Create roles/permissions and assign them First, let's

Published by Xueyuan Jun 8 years ago    Views: 91977    Like: 43

Easily implement RBAC permission management function in the project based on Larravel Permission expansion package

I have always wanted to sort out a tutorial on implementing rights management based on RBAC in Laravel alone. Today, I finally handed in this assignment. Before starting, I will present the end user rights

Published by Xueyuan Jun 6 years ago    Views: 126594    Like: 23

Quickly realize user authentication through built-in scaffolding

Today, we will start the user authentication and authorization series, mainly planning the following: Quickly realize login authentication function through built-in commands User login registration process and multi field login implementation Base

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Number of views: 24816    Like: 12

User registration and login process and implementation of multi field login

Registration and login process Let's continue with the previous tutorial. If there is no user in the system, first click the registration button to enter the registration page: Fill in registration information

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 30115    Like: 7

Implementation of user authentication function based on multiple tables (front and rear users)

Larave supports user authentication based on multiple tables, that is, users of different data tables (such as foreground users and background users) are allowed to log in and authenticate at the same time. Now let's talk about the previous background user login authentication

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Number of views: 33427    Number of likes: 5

API Request Authentication via Passport: Single Page Application

OAuth and Passport The user authentication we introduced above is based on Web request routing, and is essentially based on session

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 33078    Like: 6

API Request Authentication via Passport: Mobile Application (Password Authorization Token)

College note: Although the name of the tutorial is Mobile Application, it is completely applicable to authentication between different systems of the same company, including authentication between different Web sites. Although we were in the last article

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 37768    Number of likes: 2

API Request Authentication via Passport: Third Party Applications (Authorization Code Obtaining Token)

In the last tutorial, we mainly introduced how the company's own systems access the authentication API interface by obtaining authorization codes through user credentials. If we are an open platform, we need to support the third

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 16952    Number of likes: 4

API Request Authentication via Passport: Open Platform (Client Credential Token)

In the previous two tutorials, we have successively introduced the API interfaces that need to be authenticated to obtain tokens through password authorization and obtain tokens through authorization codes. In this tutorial, we will introduce the third method of obtaining tokens through authorization

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 22913    Number of likes: 5

API request authentication through Passport: sandbox test (private access token)

Another way to obtain access tokens is called private access tokens. This kind of authorization method is special. It does not require an authorization code, nor does it require users to enter login credentials. Instead, users issue access tokens to themselves

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Number of views: 10648    Number of likes: 2

API request authentication through Passport: implicit authorization token

Back end system settings An implicit authorization token is similar to obtaining a token through an authorization code. However, it does not need to obtain an authorization code to return the token to the client. It is usually applicable to the same company's own token

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 11222    Number of likes: 5

API request authentication through Passport: Token Scope Details

Through the previous several tutorials, Mr. Xuejun gave you a complete introduction to various implementation methods of API authentication. You should be able to summarize a rule: API interface authentication is, in the final analysis, to obtain

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 12962    Number of likes: 3

Quickly realize mailbox verification function through Laravel built-in scaffold

Before that, we have introduced various authentication implementations based on Web routing and API routing. In the Laravel 5.7 framework, mailbox verification is also built-in

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 12652    Number of likes: 4

Realize simple integral function by listening to registration login and mailbox verification events

If your website has a point function, it will often give new registered and activated users certain initial points, daily sign in/login point rewards, etc. In the Larravel framework driven application, we

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Number of views: 10878    Number of likes: 4

Session based single sign on through cookies

Single sign on and implementation ideas Single Sign On, or SSO for short, means that in multiple application systems, users can access

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 25429    Like: 7

Common single sign on solution based on CAS (I): CAS principle and server building

What is CAS In the last tutorial, we introduced single sign on, and how to implement simple single sign on based on cookies. In this tutorial, we will implement more communication based on CAS

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 25389    Number of likes: 4

Common single sign on solution based on CAS (II): CAS client construction and single sign on test

In the last tutorial, you introduced CAS single sign on principle and CAS server side building. We continued the previous tutorial, and started to build and complete the client test application

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 28140    Number of likes: 4

Common single sign on solution based on CAS (3): user single sign off implementation

In the previous two tutorials, you have successively introduced CAS single sign on implementation principles, CAS Server and Client environment construction and single sign on process demonstration. This tutorial

Published by Xueyuan Jun 5 years ago    Views: 12915    Number of likes: 4

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