Laravel Message Queuing Practice

Course Introduction

First of all, this series of tutorials is organized from Laravel Queue In Action However, the college will make adjustments to the presentation, scenarios, cases and deployment environment, rather than verbatim translation. Students with conditions can buy this e-book to support the author. I think the paid Laravel resources worth buying abroad will be the first to promote Larasts subscription members, followed by this e-book.

As we know, The predictability and simplicity of PHP's serialized code execution made it once the most popular language in the back-end Web development world (there should be a slogan here: PHP is the best language in the world~). But for many years, it was very difficult to write PHP programs that execute business logic in multiple processes, until the emergence of Laravel and its supported queue function.

Swoole Another solution. The PHP Web application driven by PHP FPM is taken as the discussion scenario.

If you have used the PHP based queue system before Larave, you already know the value of Larave's queue system. The simplicity of Larave's queue system makes it easier for developers to benefit from doing additional work in the background through the queue processor process, while allowing HTTP front-end applications to have enough agility to serve more customers.

On the basic concepts, components and implementation principles of the Laravel queue system, Mr. Xue has Implementation of Laravel message queue system based on Redis and exploration of underlying source code This tutorial is very clear, so this series will start directly from the use scenarios, focusing on the use cases and online operation and maintenance of message queues in the Laravel project. If you feel a little unexpected, you can read this tutorial first.

The directory index of this series of tutorials is as follows:


Use Instance

Online operation and maintenance

Serverless queue: It is based on the queue service provided by the cloud service provider, but it is almost based on the SDK and is scheduled through code.

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