Laravel from apprentice to craftsman

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This series of articles is a fine proofread of From Apprentice To Artisan - Advanced Application Architecture With Larvel 4 in Chinese. This book can be translated into From Apprentice to Craftsman - Advanced Application Architecture Based on Larvel 4 in Chinese. It mainly talks about the underlying implementation principle of Larvel and how to design and architecture large-scale applications based on Larvel, The author is Taylor Otwell, the famous author of the Laravel framework.

In fact, this book has already been translated on the Internet. Why did you spend all your efforts to re translate this version (let's call it the refined version)? Because this book is written based on Laravel 4. Many examples in it are no longer applicable in Laravel 5, and now it is obviously the era when Laravel 5 is popular, Therefore, it is necessary to rewrite all the examples in the book based on Laravel 5, and bring out some new features in Laravel 5 and obsolete features in Laravel 4 for everyone to talk about. Otherwise, beginners will inevitably be confused if they go directly to see the original book or the translated version. In addition, some optimization has been made in the translation of some terms to make it easier for everyone to understand. In addition, under the complaints, Taylor Otwell sometimes really feels unfriendly to newcomers. So I will make some refinements to the language according to my own understanding in some places, hoping that it can be presented to everyone in an easy to understand way.

The above is the original intention of re translating this book. Even so, the novice may still have some difficulty. After all, I can't completely separate from the original book, so if you have any problems, please contact me.

Catalog Index

The original book is very fragmented, sometimes one chapter may contain only one or two paragraphs, so I have made appropriate adjustments to the directory structure of the original book on a chapter by chapter basis, without affecting the overall integrity and consistency. The following is the sorted directory structure:

0、 Author's Preface

1、 Dependency Injection

2、 Service Container

3、 Interface is Contract

4、 Service Provider

5、 Directory Structure

6、 Application Architecture

7、 Framework Extension

8. Design Principles

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