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 Laravel College Logo


The Larave framework is a PHP framework for web craftsmen, which frees you from spaghetti like code, so that you can quickly build simple, elegant and powerful web applications. Under the PHP-FPM architecture, Larave is basically invincible. Since the beginning of 2013, it has been the most popular PHP framework:

 Larravel is the most popular PHP framework in the world

Laravel College is committed to providing high-quality Laravel Chinese learning resources to help you get started quickly, from beginner to proficient, so that the world's most popular PHP framework has more fans in China.

This is a pure platform for learning and sharing, knowledge and skills. We hope that everyone can help each other and make progress together, so that learners and enterprisers will no longer be lonely.

From the second half of 2019 Domain name disturbance Later, Laravel College changed its name to Xuejun, and the whole website was also restructured. The name and domain name changed, but the original intention was not to change. Xuejun will be committed to becoming the whole stack development and learning platform of Laravel. In addition to the main body of the Laravel framework, the course content will also include related peripheral technologies, including but not limited to PHP Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Golang, Docker, etc., as well as the constantly updated series of internal skill training for programmers, which mainly covers the underlying technology.

--------------------------This is the 2021 New Year dividing line------------------------------

It's really annoying to be filed by Alibaba Cloud domain names every year. I'm too lazy to bother, so I just switch back to Xueyuan Forget about this domain name. Anyway, it is thrown to a foreign server, and then the name is changed back to the Larravel Academy. I have written everything about the Larravel framework, and an e-commerce series and queue system will be updated in 2021. Next, The Go language part will be updated to the new blog domain name, so as not to make the novice Go feel that this is a PHP website □→→→→|, 2021 is going to open up a new battlefield, and continue to work hard.

High quality content plan

Larravel Framework

Larravel Document

Learning Steps of Larravel Tutorial

  1. First, it is recommended to go through the latest version of the Larravel document. If it is for learning purposes, it is recommended to start with the latest version, or the current LTS version (6. x version);
  2. After the documentation is completed, if you want to quickly understand the overall development of a Laravel project, it is recommended to Larravel Blog Project Tutorial At the beginning, complete the development of a blog project from zero to online. Pure back-end development can learn from it Test driven API development project (developed based on Laravel 9);
  3. Similar projects WeChat applet Here, you can learn how to develop a backend API based on Laravel to drive the front-end WeChat applet;
  4. With the first two basic introductory projects, you can choose to read Laravel Beginner to Proficient Tutorial To be deeply familiar with the detailed use of each module of the Laravel framework, and to deeply understand the principle of the underlying;
  5. After that, you can use the Larave front and rear end separation project Learn how to develop front and rear end separation projects based on Larravel+Vue, further consolidate the foundation through Larravel practical development, and learn the use of Vue.js framework by the way;
  6. With the above foundation, you are basically qualified as a junior engineer of Laravel and can independently develop a complete project. If you want to further understand the underlying design of Laravel, you can read Laravel from apprentice to craftsman , and combined PHP Design Mode Learn which common design patterns are applied at the bottom of Larave, and learn how to write more reusable, extensible and elegant code through design patterns. If you feel unfamiliar with some PHP syntax, you can take a look Modern PHP Learn about the latest design and functional features of PHP.
  7. Finally, if you are interested in asynchronous programming and concurrent programming and want to write PHP programs with higher performance, you can use Swoole from entry to actual combat Here we will learn the basic syntax of Swoole and how to integrate Swoole development projects in the Laravel framework. This includes two introductory projects to implement pop-up screens and online chat rooms based on Laravel+Swoole.
  8. Finally, you can also pass the Laravel Open Source Projects Look at the popular open source projects based on Laravel on Github, and Larravel expansion pack Check some popular third-party Laravel expansion packs. The latest features and functions of Laravel can be found in What's New in Larravel Browse in.

If you want to learn PHP and Laravel systematically, you can read the following series of PHP full stack engineers:

PHP stack engineer

Through the study of this series of tutorials, you can fully master the development of Laravel+Vue.js and become a qualified PHP full stack development engineer:

Golang Tutorial

The following list order is the learning order:

Programmer's Internal Skill Cultivation

As the saying goes, if the foundation is not solid, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. Academician Jun specially provides a series of courses (continuously updated) for programmers to help them master the underlying principles, know what they are and why they are, covering data structures, algorithms, network protocols, microservices, high-performance MySQL, Redis, Nginx, Linux bottom layer, distributed algorithms, etc. The details are as follows:

Reading Notes Series

The update progress and time here are not guaranteed. Some notes may be mixed into the previously planned tutorials in the future

More quality courses are expected...

WeChat official account

Laravel and Golang tutorials will be synchronized to the WeChat official account. You are welcome to scan the code and follow it. It is convenient to brush the tutorials on your mobile phone:

 Xueyujun WeChat official account

WeChat video number

The Academy will continue to share technology on WeChat video accounts, including PHP, Larravel, Golang, data structure, network protocol, design mode, development tools, resource recommendations and other topics. Please pay attention to:

 Xueyuanjun video number

learning community

Xueyuan Jun provides value-added service version College subscription service In the community, I will release high-definition teaching videos, share daily technology and reading notes, release the latest news of the college website, synchronize the programmer content training series and daily technical answers Upgrade to subscriber Later, contact Xueyuan to join for free. After becoming a subscriber, you can also join the exclusive WeChat group for technical exchange.

Site Description


The site is configured with cache, so some operation data cannot be updated in time, and there are non program functional defects.


All resources on this site are original/translated (a few reprints will add original links at the end), and unauthorized reprints are prohibited without the permission of the college! If you see similar resources on other websites, please report. To be an honest and decent programmer, start with you and me!

Once again, we despise those websites that copy the content of the college intact, do not declare their provenance, and have their own website watermarks.


If you have any comments and suggestions on the construction of the college, please leave us a message. If you encounter any problems when using the resources provided by Larravel College, please post your questions in the comment box below the corresponding resources, and we will discuss them together.


Xueyuan Jun's personal website is under continuous construction and improvement. Due to personal level constraints and time constraints, there are inevitably omissions and shortcomings in the content. Please forgive me. If you have any questions, please feedback to Xueyuan Jun. I will try my best to respond and deal with them as soon as possible. Thank you again for your attention. I hope we can grow and progress together.

Subscription Service

Xuejun needs a lot of manpower and financial resources to maintain the website and update the tutorials. You can upgrade to a subscriber to support me: Upgrade to a subscriber now

Corporate Sponsorship

In addition, Xuejun has set up some advertising spaces on the website to give back to sponsors (the monthly visit of Xuejun's website is one million PV, and the main user group is computer software programming enthusiasts and learners). If you are interested in advertising cooperation, you can contact me through WeChat (WeChat: yaojinbu). The price is tentatively determined as follows:

Long term sponsorship offers discounts (half a month during the Spring Festival and one week during the National Day).

Contact Xueyuan Jun

Exchange friend chain&advertising cooperation&other questions can be contacted through WeChat:

 Xueyujun WeChat

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