Label: Soft Cloud Related Articles

From the "soft cloud event"!

◷2024/06/13   👁 Browse: 921 🗨 52 comments

The first time I met RuanCloudf was on the Big Brother Forum in November last year. When he was doing promotional activities on the forum, he bought a Hong Kong VPS mobile machine, which cost 133 yuan a year for 2C2G. This VPS will be used as a standby server, and some Dockers will be moved to the primary server of CloudCone after stable operation. Although it is an active machine, the network is very stable. In March today, SoftCloud came to me and said that it wanted to advertise on my website. My reward was a free 4C4G5M Hong Kong Anchang server. Because I used his Hong Kong mobile phone before, I was quite satisfied with his home machine, so I agreed. When deciding whether to remove my original CloudCone advertisement, we also agreed to upgrade the configuration of the Hong Kong server sent to me to 8C8G10M, and the oral agreement is valid for a long time, of course, to him

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Lao Zhang's blog moved into SoftCloud_RuanCloud, and talked about the choice of personal blog server!

◷2024/03/17   👁 Browse: 975 🗨 102 comments

Soft Cloud was checked and Hong Kong servers were removed from the shelves. Please bear all consequences arising from the subsequent purchase of this service provider's server! As for personal blogs, the term "user experience" is familiar to everyone. Lao Zhang also talked about how to optimize user experience in his How to Run a Good Personal Independent Blog a while ago, In the last article, Lao Zhang said that "in order to give users the best experience, the website should be fast. If a page takes two or three seconds to open, I think many people will shut down and leave without the page being loaded.". Some time ago, Lao Zhang's server was used by CC. My comment on the servers at CC's home was that they were neither fast nor too slow. The speed of website opening was really not too fast, but the speed was still within the acceptable range. Although it is acceptable, the speed is still not ideal. In order to give everyone a better physical examination, Lao Zhang decided to give

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