From the "soft cloud event"!

new ◷2024/06/13   👁 Browse: 782 🗨 48 comments

The first time I met RuanCloudf was on the Big Brother Forum in November last year. When he was doing promotional activities on the forum, he bought a Hong Kong VPS mobile machine, which cost 133 yuan a year for 2C2G. This VPS will be used as a standby server, and some Dockers will be moved to the primary server of CloudCone after stable operation. Although it is an active machine, the network is very stable. In March today, SoftCloud came to me and said that it wanted to advertise on my website. My reward was a free 4C4G5M Hong Kong Anchang server. Because I used his Hong Kong mobile phone before, I was quite satisfied with his home machine, so I agreed. When deciding whether to remove my original CloudCone advertisement, we also agreed to upgrade the configuration of the Hong Kong server sent to me to 8C8G10M, and the oral agreement is valid for a long time, of course, to him

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Impression of Chengdu - Food

◷2024/06/5   👁 Browse: 769 🗨 63 comments

The distance between southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu is two or three hundred kilometers, so the food culture is different. The food in southern Jiangsu is sweet, while the food in northern Jiangsu basically does not contain sugar. Occasionally, a little sugar is added to improve the freshness, but it is also not sweet when eating. This time I went to Chengdu, which is nearly 2000 kilometers away from the small county where I live. It is conceivable that there are differences in diet. Sichuan cuisine has always been known as "oil, spicy and hemp". When I first came to Chengdu, I saw the table full of "oil", "spicy" and "hemp". As a result, after eating for two days, many people had problems with their intestines and stomachs, and had to ask the restaurant to cook some spicy dishes alone. In the last two days, there was almost no one to use chopsticks for these spicy dishes. Look at this bowl of fish fillet. Oil and pepper account for half of the weight. Can you tell what this dish is? At first sight, I thought it was braised chilli! Our small county town also has Sichuan hotpot. "Chongqing Liuyishou" hotpot has been open here for nearly 20 years, and now it depends on

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First arrived in Chengdu

◷2024/05/27   👁 Browse: 806 🗨 61 comments

I was lucky to go to Chengdu for training and study. On the morning of the 26th, I took a bus from 7:30 to Suzhou High Speed Railway Station. It took me more than an hour to get to Suzhou. I didn't have much time to wait at the High Speed Railway Station. The ticket check started at around 9:40, and the High Speed Railway started at 9:59, targeting East Chengdu. Eight and a half hours' drive by high-speed railway really brings a kind of suffering. It's really unbearable to sit for a long time because of lumbar disc herniation. However, the scenery along the way was really good. The night before departure, I went to the supermarket with my wife to buy a lot of food, such as bread, braised eggs, chicken legs, and so on. As a result, these things became more and more greasy. I had no choice but to ask my colleagues for some fruits to relieve my boredom. The high-speed railway arrived at Chengdu East at 6:30 on time, and then arrived at Dufu Thatched Cottage Yaduo Hotel after more than 40 minutes' bus ride. The dinner was also arranged in the hotel next door. To Chengdu, of course, Sichuan cuisine is the main dish. Although we can eat it in our small county, it is not authentic

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Won to complete the ICP and public security record, and officially launched!

◷2024/05/23   👁 Browse: 646 🗨 77 comments

The domain name, for the blogger, is really a platitude. For the use of domain names, I believe that almost all blogs have changed their domain names less than once. People are fickle animals, and the same is true for their own domain names. At one time, they want to play with a short domain name, or at another time, they want to play with a mainstream domain name. After a while, they want to play with some non mainstream domain names. Finally, there are so many domain names in their hands. Once I was infatuated with short domain names and made the domain name, but I just put it in my hand to eat ashes. Fortunately, it was sold at the original price later. Because my blog name has always used "Lao Zhang Blog" or "Zhang Bo Blog", so the domain name is just changing around these two names. The first one was Later, with the help of Youzi, I registered the domain name This domain name has been used for the longest time and should be used

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Use docker compose to build a minimalist circle of friends!

◷2024/05/16   👁 Browse: 751 🗨 44 comments

Some time ago, the "circle of friends" was very popular. It was really tiring to update the blog every day. It would be better to write two "circles of friends" every day, one sentence and one picture. Many people find WordPress's "circle of friends theme" and feel that it is really unnecessary to use WordPress to run a minimalist circle of friends. Today, Lao Zhang recommends Docker's version of "minimalist circle of friends"! The project address of minimalist circle of friends is , the author is the author of Mblog. I introduced it in "Pagoda Panel Docker Deploys Personal Microblog Program Mblog - front and rear end do not separate sqlite version". If you are interested, you can take a look at it. I used to deploy Docker projects in the visual panel of the pagoda. Although it looks intuitive, it is more or less numb

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All evil "scalpers"!

◷2024/05/10   👁 Browse: 623 🗨 72 comments

A few days ago, I chatted on the nodeloc forum and talked about the price of the RN home computer. I can't help thinking of a computer I snapped up in the Christmas flash sale in 2020. The configuration of the computer is: 3 cores, 60 GB SSD hard disk, 5 GB memory, 7000 GB monthly traffic, 1Gbps bandwidth, 1 IPv4, optional computer room: San Jose, Los Angeles DC-02 (DC-02 is SSD Cached hard disk), flash sale price: $20.21/year, The renewal fee is the same price. Although the RN machine is not the top class, it is slightly inferior to the CC machine, but the cost performance of this machine should be very high. At that time, my machine was standby. I just finished the background introduction. Because this machine is not commonly used, I want to post a post on the host forum to ask about the price. After the post was sent out, many people replied to it. The meaning of their reply

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2024, my "May Day"

◷2024/05/6   👁 Browse: 440 🗨 55 comments

The son has thirty or forty days to go for the high school entrance exam. He has no travel plan for his study on May Day this year. But the son's eldest grandfather is hospitalized in Nanjing and needs to go to see him, so he temporarily decides to go to Nanjing for two days. Both the sons and daughters of No. 1 and No. 2 have coaching classes, which will end at 5:00 after work, so that the family of four will drive straight to Nanjing after the end of the coaching class for the son of No. 2. I drove from 5:00 to Nanjing at 7:50. In less than three hours, two events happened. It was around 15:10 when a blogger sent me a message saying that there was a domain name I liked for a long time that could be registered. It was around 8:10 when I sat down in the Lion Tower and took out my mobile phone after visiting the child's grandfather in Nanjing, It has been registered when querying again. The other thing is that there is a problem with the SoftCloud Hong Kong server, and all of them are offline. Because there is no way to move the blog without a laptop, the blog cannot be opened in those days. Vacation, whatever

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My "friends circle"

◷2024/04/28   👁 Browse: 786 🗨 75 comments

Some time ago, "Blog circle" was added to the navigation menu at the top of the blog by using "Add Blog circle with RSS subscription function to display the latest blog articles in real time!" So it is necessary to talk about my "Blog circle" now! My Blog Circle is not my blogger friends, but simply refers to the "Blog Circle" column on the top navigation menu of my blog. Its function is to realize the title and summary output function of the latest blog articles through the RSS subscription tool FreshRSS. I must admit that most of my blog traffic comes from "blog exchange visits", so many bloggers will say that they often see my comments on other blogs. After all, the quality of my blog posts is not very good, and if you want to get traffic, blog exchange is a main way. If I leave a message on my blog, my blog friends will also return the visit through the website they left. So here comes the problem. Why

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"Traffic accident" lying with shot!

◷2024/04/23   👁 Browse: 507 🗨 41 comments

I got up at 5:00 on Sunday morning, washed and went to the stadium with my wife. It has not been five kilometers for half a year, so I can use this free time to do five kilometers. I haven't been five kilometers for a long time. I can't stand it when I suddenly come to my body. When I get home, I have a hot bath, eat the leek box wrapped by my mother, and drink cornmeal porridge. I am taking a rest. I receive a phone call, "Hello, I hit your car"! After receiving the phone call, I immediately went downstairs and saw that a van reversing had deformed the cab door of my car, and the door could not be opened. The property management in our community is still in a mess. Because there are few parking spaces, there are all parked cars on the road in the community. My car is parked at the side of the platform after the west gate entrance, which is equivalent to parking at a corner of the intersection. Although it is not in the parking space, there is enough space beside my car to prevent other vehicles from passing. The guy who hit my car is also a Ming

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Use RSS subscription function to add a blogosphere and display the latest blog articles in real time!

◷2024/04/16   👁 Browse: 797 🗨 47 comments

Blog circle shows the benefits of blog articles. Personal blogs have no soul without comments, and blog exchange is the way to run blogs. Lao Zhang mentioned the importance of blog exchange in many articles such as How to effectively exchange blog visits and comments. Before he contacted RSS subscription tools, Lao Zhang collected one or two hundred blogs in his browser's favorites and opened them once a day. However, there were only ten or so blogs updating content in these two hundred blogs, so this operation wasted a lot of time. Later, there was an RSS tool that can subscribe to frequently visited blogs. When a blog has an article update, it will be notified. But there is also a disadvantage in this operation. Your blog will be opened several times a day, but RSS subscription tools are not always opened. At this time, we can use the RSS subscription function to add a blogosphere, see the content updated by bloggers in real time on our blog, and access it in a timely manner

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The latest WordPress comments block blogger comments and style modification scheme

◷2024/04/11   👁 Browse: 425 🗨 29 comments

The previous version of WordPress has always been 6.4.4. Yesterday, I saw in the background that it can be upgraded to 6.5.2, which is a handicap. After the upgrade, I didn't pay much attention to it. Yesterday afternoon, I found that the style of the latest comment had changed, and the blogger's comments were included. This is not an ordinary ugly look. At first, there was no doubt that it was the reason for upgrading WordPress. Because yesterday I was modifying the style of the "blog circle", and later I had conflicts with the blog circle CSS, so I returned the blog circle modification step by step. As a result, this latest comment is still like this. Finally, I thought that when I first used this theme, I modified some WordPress files for some styles. I queried the chat records in the group and finally found them. Block blogger comments to find the house in the website directory/wp includes/widgets/class wp widget re

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Psychological effect? Hysteria?

◷2024/04/6   👁 Browse: 467 🗨 28 comments

During this period of time, my health is a little poor, and I feel much worse than before. Recently, I'm in poor health! The comment given to me by the blogger named Guangshu in the book "May be irritable bowel syndrome. This disease has something to do with mentality. If you think you will have diarrhea after breakfast, then you may have diarrhea. You can try to distract yourself from other things before, during and after breakfast. Don't care about it. The more you care, the easier it is to commit.", There are two points mentioned in his comments, one is irritable bowel syndrome, and the other is psychological problems. Today, let's talk about this mentality. I believe you will encounter it when you are at school, especially when you are in primary school. At the time of class, one of the children said that he had to go to the toilet to get a stomachache, and he couldn't hold it. After the teacher agreed, he promised that there would be no more meetings, and other students would also say that they had stomachache and had to go to the toilet. Our school had a safety accident a few years ago, and the milk given to the children may be exposed to the sun

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