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Zblog Blueleaf duplicate article checking plug-in

Author: blueleaf Classification: Original works Time: 2022-09-24 Browse: 1850
  • Applicable version: ZBLOG
  • Function category: duplicate article checking
  • Plug in nature: charging plug-in
  • Plug in size: 516KB
  • Plug in author: Lan Ye
  • Plug in price: ¥66 element
  • Online consultation: Click Contact
  •  Repeating article list
    Repeating article list
  •  Duplicate file detection already exists article
    Duplicate file detection already exists article
  •  Duplicate article detection No article exists
    Duplicate article detection No article exists
  •  Contact the Blue Leaf webmaster for more demos

Collecting articles will encounter the problem of collecting duplicate articles Seo optimization Not very friendly. It can be used at this time emlog The pro Blueleaf duplicate article checking plug-in lists duplicate articles and deletes them in batches. When publishing an article, you can detect whether there are duplicates in the article. After entering the title in the title bar, click the blank space to automatically detect, and the detection results will be displayed when the detection is completed. On the duplicate article list page, you can select the duplicate articles with the old publishing date for batch deletion.
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