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ZBLOG Blueleaf Video Background Plug in

Author: blueleaf Classification: Original works Time: September 21, 2016 Browse: 18392 Comments: 11
  • Applicable version: ZBLOG PHP 1.4
  • Function category: video background
  • Plug in nature: free plug-in
  • Plug in size: 3.40MB
  • Plug in author: Lan Ye
  • Plug in price: ¥0 element
  • Online consultation: Click Contact
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  •  Contact the Blue Leaf webmaster for more demos
With the acceleration of broadband speed and the rapid development of the Internet, the speed of web page opening and downloading resources is getting faster and faster. In order to beautify the web page, many special effects that used to consume page loading speed did not dare to be added. Now they can respond quickly and smoothly in the browser.
In the past, when the bandwidth speed was not very fast, the background of the web page was basically solid color and low pixel pictures. Now many of them use high-definition large pictures as the background of the web page. But people's aesthetic pursuit is increasing, and the static background pictures that remain unchanged will gradually fade out of the historical stage Video background It became popular quietly, so Blueleaf complied with it and made ZBLOG's video background plug-in in order to promote the video background, so that more ZBLOG websites could use the video background as soon as possible.
ZBLOG Blueleaf video background plug-in function:
1. Set the address of the video background through the background, and set the webm format and mp4 format video background.
2. You can set the video background mask and the transparency of the video mask to be turned on through the background.
3. Compatible with IE9 and above browsers, Google kernel browser, Firefox and other modern mainstream browsers.
Demo accessible Blue Leaf Music Room see.

ZBLOG Blueleaf Video Background Plug in Download

Source: ZBLOG Application Center |    Size: 3.40MB |    Downloads: 858 times


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All content resources shared by this website, if not noted, are original by Blueleaf. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source; Please contact us in case of infringement Contact handling Please understand!

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XXXX tourist
 Sign in successfully! Sign in time: 7:33:03 p.m., June 17, 2019, sign in every day, and life will be more exciting!
2019-06-17 19:34 reply
 WeChat brush reading
WeChat brush reading tourist
The plug-ins of Blueleaf are very good! It is also used from EM to ZB
2019-02-09 23:04 reply
 Star City
Star City tourist
It can be displayed on the home page. Why is it not displayed on the article page?
2018-03-21 00:50 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Star City: You can use Google Chrome to find out why.
2018-04-01 11:32 reply
 Read it
Read it tourist
Zblog is not available. Is it a topic problem or something?
2017-09-24 09:53 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Read it: If you can't use it, you need to modify the CSS of the template. The z-index of the div layer of the video background is - 9999, and the level of the template must be greater than this value.
2017-09-26 09:54 reply
hh tourist
2017-04-30 06:59 reply
 Auditorium chair
Auditorium chair tourist
The plug-ins of Blueleaf are very good! It is also used after EM to ZB!
2017-04-25 17:02 reply tourist
This is very good. Give me some support!
2017-01-05 21:45 reply
 Xuxu Wangzhuan Blog
Xuxu Wangzhuan Blog tourist
pretty good
2016-11-28 17:13 reply
 Internet computer
Internet computer tourist
Thanks for sharing!
2016-10-31 17:07 reply
music appreciation
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