Current position: home page > Original works >EMLOG and ZBLOGPHP Blueleaf download single page plug-in independently

EMLOG and ZBLOGPHP Blueleaf download single page plug-in independently

Author: blueleaf Classification: Original works Time: September 22, 2021 Browse: 34049 Comments: 43
  • Applicable version: EMLOG and ZBLOGPHP
  • Function category: independent download single page
  • Plug in nature: charging plug-in
  • Plug in size: 121KB
  • Plug in author: Lan Ye
  • Plug in price: ¥88 element
  • Online consultation: Click Contact
  •  Download a single page demo independently
    Download a single page demo independently
  •  Download single page configuration center demonstration independently
    Download single page configuration center demonstration independently
  •  Publish article page Add single page download demo
    Publish article page Add single page download demo
  •  Independent download of single page management demo
    Independent download of single page management demo
  •  Contact the Blue Leaf webmaster for more demos
This is an independent download single page plug-in for EMLOG program and ZBLOGPHP program. Its purpose is to allow webmasters to add an independent download single page for each download. Advertisements can be placed on this independent download page to increase advertising revenue for the website; The functions of Blueleaf independently downloading the single page plug-in are as follows:
*Update V2.1 2021.09.22
*Updated download mode, including visitor download, member download and paid download
*Updated each download page to set different prices
*Payment only supports Alipay in person, and fill in relevant information in plug-in settings

1. You can add countless independent download pages to each article.
2. Good looking article page download list style.
3. The download data called by the foreground adopts the cache file, which does not need to read the database to improve the access speed.
4. Add download count function.
5. There is a special download plug-in configuration management center in the background.
6. Access mode of independent download page can be set.
7. You can set whether you need to log in to download.
8. More advertising space.
9. More features to be found

Is it very powerful? If you think it's good, buy it now. Please see the picture above for demonstration.

 Blueleaf independently downloads the single page plug-in

Test paid download

Source: Download from this website |    Size: 1MB |    Downloads: 389


Website: Click Copy to share with friends!

All content resources shared by this website, if not noted, are original by Blueleaf. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source; Please contact us in case of infringement Contact handling Please understand!

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iMJMJ tourist
Great website~~~~
2022-01-27 01:04 reply
Ants tourist
Please ask whether the Blueleaf Fresh download style plug-in is integrated with this plug-in..
2019-08-01 14:26 reply
 Snowman Blog
Snowman Blog tourist
how much
2019-06-29 20:15 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Snowman blog: visit the computer to see the price.
2019-07-01 01:53 reply
 Knowledge sharing network
Knowledge sharing network tourist
This plug-in is really easy to use
2019-05-01 14:33 reply
Adam tourist
How to buy? Reward directly??
2019-02-07 20:44 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Adam: Contact me QQ84953409
2019-02-07 22:51 reply
 Chinese language
Chinese language tourist
thank you
2019-02-02 03:41 reply
 Zhong Shuizhou Blog
Zhong Shuizhou Blog tourist
Good morning
2018-02-07 21:41 reply
 fairy tale
fairy tale tourist
How to download
2018-01-12 23:12 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Fairy tale: You can download it if you pay for it.
2018-01-16 20:39 reply
 Creativity Crazy
Creativity Crazy tourist
I bought,, and now I have forgotten how to use them. The normal article page is displayed in the background but not displayed. I should call
2017-12-19 03:50 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Creative Crazy: Please contact me with the QQ when purchasing and provide transaction records.
2017-12-21 22:21 reply
 Tianle Tianle
Tianle Tianle tourist
pretty good
2017-12-02 00:28 reply
music appreciation
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