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EMLOG Blueleaf article page URL jump plug-in

Author: blueleaf Classification: Original works Time: September 3rd, 2020 Browse: 3956
  • Applicable version: EMLOG5.3. X
  • Function category: URL jump
  • Plug in nature: charging plug-in
  • Plug in size: 4KB
  • Plug in author: Lan Ye
  • Plug in price: ¥66 element
  • Online consultation: Click Contact
  •  Article page jump plug-in
    Article page jump plug-in
  •  Contact the Blue Leaf webmaster for more demos

The URL jump plug-in applicable to EMLOG program can be used to set the article page for URL jump. At the same time, you can set the URL jump type as 301 jump or 302 jump. It can also determine whether the source is a search engine or a user's normal access for conditional jump, which is more conducive to search engine optimization.
The method of use is simple. After paying for the purchase of the plug-in, it is activated by uploading the plug-in in the background. On the post page, an input interface similar to the demo image will appear. Enter the website address and set the conditions. After the post page is successfully published, the foreground access will jump according to the requirements.


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