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JS real-time time special effect code

Author: blueleaf Classification: Website design Time: November 23, 2017 Browse: 5900

This is a real-time time special effect code written by JS code. The webmaster can put it on the website sidebar to beautify the website while improving the user experience;
Download the compressed package, upload the images material directory in the compressed package to the website, and open the index with the code editor php File. Find the JS real-time time special effect code between the beginning of the tag code and the end of the code. Modify the path of the material in the JS code and place it where you need it.
JS real-time time special effect code, collected by Blueleaf, all resources come from the Internet!

 Js Real Time Code.png

 <!--- JS real-time time code start --> <div id="time"></div> <script> window.onload=function(){getTime();} function getTime(){ var date = new Date(); var hours =formatTime(date.getHours()); var minutes = formatTime(date.getMinutes()); var seconds = formatTime(date.getSeconds()); var $time = document.getElementById('time'); $time.innerHTML=hours +"<img src='images/hm.png' style='margin:0 10px;' width='12' height='40'/>"+ minutes+"<img style='margin:0 10px;'  src='images/ms.png' width='12' height='40'/>"+ seconds; setTimeout("getTime()",500);} function formatTime(i){ if(i<10&&i==1){ i=   "<img src='images/0.png' width='40' height='60'/>"+"<img src='images/1.png' width='20' height='60'/>"; }else if(i<10&&i!=1){ i= "<img src='images/0.png' width='40' height='60'/>" + "<img src='images/"+i+".png' width='40' height='60'/>"; }else{ var j= i.toString().charAt(0); var z =i.toString().charAt(1); if(j<10 && z<10&&j!= 1&&z!= 1){ i = "<img src='images/"+j+".png' width='40' height='60'/>" + "<img src='images/"+z+".png' width='40' height='60'/>"; }else if(j<10 && z<10&&j==1&&z!=1){ i = "<img src='images/1.png' width='20' height='60'/>" + "<img src='images/"+z+".png' width='40' height='60'/>"; }else if(j<10 && z<10&&z==1&&j!=1){ i =   "<img src='images/"+j+".png' width='40' height='60'/>"+"<img src='images/1.png' width='20' height='60'/>"; }else if(j<10 && z<10&&(j==1&&z==1)){ i="<img src='images/1.png' width='20' height='60'/>"+"<img src='images/1.png' width='20' height='60'/>"; } } return i; }   </script> <!-- JS real-time time code end -->

JS real-time time special effect code

Source: Baidu online disk |    Size: 626KB |    Downloads: 227

JS real-time time special effect code

Source: Lanzuo Online Disk |    Size: 626KB |    Downloads: 199


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