Current position: home page > Website design >A cute girl returns to the top code

A cute girl returns to the top code

Author: blueleaf Classification: Website design Time: March 27, 2014 Browse: 10421 Comments: 11
  • Applicable version: EMLOG 5.3. x
  • Function category: system enhancement
  • Plug in nature: free plug-in
  • Plug in size: 111KB
  • Plug in author: Lan Ye
  • Plug in price: ¥0 element
  • Online consultation: Click Contact

 Untitled - 1.jpg

When looking for materials, I saw a return code at the top. It's a lovely girl, and she shared it with the people she likes; Put the following code in front of you and upload the file in the compressed package to your space; If you use the EMLOG program and do not want to add your own code, you can download the following plug-in to install and enable it.

 <script src=" jquery /1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/ javascript "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="'Your website/images/seajs. js"></script> <link href="Your URL/images/ css .css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript">seajs.use("goback.js",function(goback){goback.F_backToTop();});</ script>

Code download: Cute girl Back to top Jquery code download Size: 111KB


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All content resources shared by this website, if not noted, are original by Blueleaf. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source; Please contact us in case of infringement Contact handling Please understand!

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 blink the eyes kiss Growl happy think poor It's embarrassing Grievance ha-ha hush Right hum Zuo Hum Hum doubt A bad laugh Make money Sadness Be cool Seduce fierce handshake yeah Hee hee Shyness applause greedy Madness Embrace gather and watch Mighty awesome
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MrEO tourist
After using this plug-in, the font of the whole website has changed, like Song typeface? Solve==
2015-12-26 01:37 reply
blueleaf tourist
@MrEO: Maybe the CSS in the plug-in defines the font. You can use an editor to open the PHP file or CSS file in the plug-in folder to check.
2015-12-31 15:41 reply
 Yu Yujun
Yu Yujun tourist
Not bad Not bad
2014-05-29 08:37 reply
 Little ice
Little ice tourist
Really cute, very cute
2014-05-20 09:00 reply
 AgoHost virtual host
AgoHost virtual host tourist
Take it first Ha ha
2014-05-03 09:40 reply
 maillot trek
maillot trek tourist
Pretty cute.
2014-04-09 14:04 reply
scholar tourist
2014-03-29 16:39 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Scholar: It seems to be called pseudo spring vegetable
2014-04-01 13:12 reply
scholar tourist

Here is a cuter blog pet, which is very interesting and can also do weather forecast. I wonder if the Blue Leaf God can make it into an emlog plug-in?
2014-03-29 11:14 reply
blueleaf tourist
@Scholar: EMLOG has plug-ins. You can find them in the forum.
2014-03-29 13:58 reply
 Xiamen Pinxun
Xiamen Pinxun tourist
Is this a little cute
2014-03-27 17:28 reply
music appreciation
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