Current position: home page > Website promotion >Skillfully use Baidu drop-down box data interface to add double titles to emlog articles (double titles for emlog optimization articles)

Skillfully use Baidu drop-down box data interface to add double titles to emlog articles (double titles for emlog optimization articles)

Author: blueleaf Classification: Website promotion Time: December 25, 2023 Browse: 420
In today's era of information explosion, an attractive title is crucial to the dissemination of articles. For using emlog For the webmaster of the blog system, how to write attractive double titles has become an essential skill.

The double title of emlog refers to adding a subtitle or sub title after or below the article title. This subtitle is usually a summary of the content of the article or an in-depth discussion of the theme to attract readers to click and increase the attractiveness of the article.

In this article, Blue Leaf will introduce Skillful use Baidu Drop down box data interface adds double titles to emlog articles To improve the click rate and search engine ranking of articles.

Baidu Search has drop-down box related search data, and all the data listed here are keyword related high search volume data. We can use the Baidu drop-down box data interface to add double titles for emlog articles,

Baidu drop-down box data interface: Emlog template -8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd= Emlog template

 Skillfully use Baidu drop-down box data interface to add double caption.png to emlog articles

The top is the interface address, which can be found in the wd= After adding keywords, you can get the related words with high search volume. You can use these related words to add a double title to the emlog article Seo optimization It has great benefits.


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