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[Activity deleted] New Year's Day Carnival HAO123 set up home page lottery

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Date: December 28, 2012 Browse: 9273 Comments: 1

 New Year's Day Carnival HAO123 Home Page Lottery

The New Year's Day will soon enter 2013, and all major Internet websites are preparing for activities, all of which are basically lottery activities, but let's try our luck in lottery activities. Anyway, it's OK to try for free; Baidu The website navigation station HAO123 also released a new activity today. During the activity time, set HAO123 as the home page to get a raffle. Each computer has only one chance to draw a lottery every day. The prizes are exchanged by Baidu Online Disk Space, Apple 16G, Seagate 500G hard disk, as well as vouchers and coupons from major shopping malls. It can be seen from these prizes that the chance of winning a prize is very small, It is easy to draw a voucher or coupon, and interested friends can take a chance.



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2012-12-28 18:03 reply
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