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How to cancel the default home page of Mainframe Treasure for Linux

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: January 23, 2015 Browse: 10081 Comments: 1
 Recently, I set up an AliCloud server for my friend. In order to make management easier for my friend, I chose Hosting Treasure Linux The Nginx+PHP+MySQL+FTP environment is directly configured after installation. It is easy to create and delete websites through the WEB, which eliminates the need for people who do not understand Linux commands to manage servers through commands; After the environment is configured, a default home page of Hosting Treasure is not very popular. My friend needs to delete and change the default home page. First, I went to Hosting Treasure Forum to find out the method, and then went to Baidu After searching for it, I didn't find it. I can't study it by myself. Through the installation log, I found that the home page file location generated by the virtual host created by the host treasure is in the /a/apps/zhujibao Below and /a/apps/zhujibao/manager/linuxdef There are index.html , download to local editing, overwrite or delete. The default IP or domain name is used to open the default home page file. If you need to modify it, try it yourself; As for how to log in to the file system, the mainframe has Video Tutorials , can be accessed via WinSCP Log in to your Linux server.


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 IT Crazy Woman
IT Crazy Woman tourist
The blogger should be a program master
2015-01-28 10:53 reply
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