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Some useful static libraries

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: May 21, 2024 Browse: 614
In front-end development, static libraries usually refer to those pre compiled code libraries that can be directly referenced in the project to reduce the workload of repeatedly writing code and improve development efficiency. The following are some static libraries that will be widely considered useful in 2024:

one Vite : Vite is a lightweight front-end building tool that uses native ES module import to provide fast cold start and instant module hot update. Vite supports multiple libraries, including React and TypeScript, and has excellent performance.

two Next.js Next.js is a popular React framework that supports server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). Next.js introduced React Server Components in 2023, realizing a breakthrough paradigm shift.

three Astro Astro is a framework suitable for statically generated React applications. It is compatible with various frameworks and optimizes performance. Initially, it only delivered HTML and CSS.

four DBeaver : DBeaver is a free and open source cross platform database management tool that supports almost all mainstream database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.

five Navicat : Navicat is a powerful database management tool that supports multiple database systems, including MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.

six Element Plus : Element Plus is an upgraded version of Element UI. Based on Vue3 and TypeScript, it provides more than 70 easy-to-use components, which are suitable for Vue3 projects.

seven Vuetify : Vuetify is a Vue component library based on the Material Design design specification, which provides more than 80 components, and has rich and powerful features such as dynamic themes, global default values, and application frameworks.

eight Ant Design Vue : Ant Design Vue is the Vue version of Ant Design. It follows Ant Design design specifications and provides 67 components, which are applicable to Vue projects.

nine Quasar : Quasar is an open source framework based on Vue, which can help quickly create responsive websites/applications of various styles, including SPA, SSR, PWA, BEX, mobile applications and multi platform desktop applications.

ten Naive UI : Naive UI is a component library that only supports Vue3. It provides 80 components and is applicable to Vue3 projects.

When selecting a static library, factors such as the maturity of the library, community support, document completeness, performance, compatibility, and compliance with project requirements should be considered. The above libraries are widely recommended in 2024, and can be used according to the specific needs of the project and the development environment.


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