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Blueleaf shares an api interface for fast reading and calling github files (method for fast downloading github files)

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: January 9, 2024 Browse: 226

The github warehouse is slow to access in China. If you need to read and call the files in the github warehouse on the website, and the speed is too slow to affect the speed of page opening, how can you quickly read and call the github files?

 Blueleaf shares an api interface for fast reading and calling github files. png

Blueleaf shares a fast reading and calling github file Api interface To quickly download github files, we can use the github acceleration service provided by Fast Git to quickly read and call github files on our website through the following api interface.

Note the red text in the interface. The first is the user name, the second is the database name, the third is generally the master or main, and the last is the file name.

Github file reading api interface: lanye / lanyeicon / master / gx.png


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