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What versions of Chrome are supported by Windows 7?

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: May 21, 2024 Browse: 666
Chrome browser versions supported by Windows 7 mainly include the following two versions:

one Officially supported final version
-According to the latest information, the last version supported by Google for Windows 7 is * * Chrome 109 * *. This version is the last stable version officially provided by Google for Windows 7 system. Later versions will no longer support Windows 7.

two Versions supported by third-party projects
-In addition, there is a Supermium The project of is worthy of attention. This project allows you to use a newer version of Chrome browser to run on Windows 7 and Windows 8. x. Supermium provides 32-bit and 64 bit versions, and hosts the source code on GitHub. According to the latest updated information, Supermium The latest version of the browser is 122.0.6261.152 , rendering stability on Windows 7 systems has been further improved.

Please note that although Supermium The project provides newer versions of Chrome browser running on Windows 7, but these versions are not officially provided by Google, so there may be some risks and instability. If you choose to use these versions, we recommend that you be careful and ensure that you download them from a trustworthy source. At the same time, because Windows 7 has stopped official support, you may not get the latest security updates and feature improvements when using these unofficial versions.


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