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How to switch and use the latest version of QQ mailbox (steps to switch to the latest version)

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: May 18, 2023 Browse: 970

The latest version of QQ mailbox has been released, and the interface is clean and comfortable, as shown in the small figure. But there is no function to switch the latest clean interface in the settings, so how do we use the latest version of QQ mailbox? What are the steps to switch to the latest version of QQ mailbox?

 Set the latest version of QQ mailbox Step 4.png

The steps to switch to the latest version of QQ mailbox are shown in the following figure:

1. Log in to QQ email and click the settings above. Enter the general settings to find the language settings. Select English and save the settings.

 Setting the latest version of QQ mailbox Step 1.png

2. After entering the latest version of QQ Email interface, click the avatar in the upper right corner, and click the settings button at the bottom of the tab to enter the settings.

 Set the latest version of QQ mailbox Step 2.png

3. After entering the setting interface, select Chinese as the language, and you can normally use the latest version of QQ mailbox interface.

 Set the latest version of QQ mailbox Step 3.png


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