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Blueleaf shares the bat command of ffmpeg to download m3u8 files

Author: blueleaf Classification: Write casually Time: August 21, 2022 Browse: 1309

There are many ways to download the m3u8 file, such as using the M3U8 Batch Download Tool You can easily download the m3u8 file, but some m3u8 files are difficult to download if they are verified again. You can try it now ffmpeg Command to download, and download the m3u8 file through Blueleaf Share ffmpeg Bat command You can easily download some m3u8 files that need secondary verification. Just copy the following code to the txt file and save it, rename it to the file name of Download.bat, put it together with ffmpeg.exe, double-click Download.bat to run and download it according to the prompts.

 Blueleaf shares the bat command of ffmpeg to download m3u8 files. png

 @echo off TITLE=M3U8 Download Script - Blueleaf Share LANYE ORG echo, Echo Please enter M3U8 address and save file address and press Enter to automatically run download echo, echo, Set/p dizhi=Please enter M3U8 address: echo, Set/p file=Please enter the file name to save: ffmpeg -i %dizhi% -strict -2 %file% Echo Download completed pause


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