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Master Lu Classic 2.68 old version download

Author: blueleaf Classification: Green software Time: March 22, 2013 Browse: 12032 Comments: 1

 Master Lu Classic 2.68 old version download

What is Master Lu? Master Lu is a professional application tool for computer hardware detection, hardware monitoring, hardware performance testing, system optimization and cleaning. Master Lu is made by the famous software developer Lu Jin. Some people don't know about Lu Jin, but the old birds who mentioned that the optimization master played with computers know that the optimization master was a magic tool for optimizing computer systems long ago, At that time, when I first came into contact with the computer, the maintenance of the computer optimization system was all solved by optimization masters; Master Lu's software is also very good, but since Master Lu joined 360, it has not changed so well. There are too many advertisements, and many functions can only be used after installing 360. There is a saying on the Internet that as long as you are connected with 360, you will get angry. No matter whether that is true or not, I don't need to use the new version of Master Lu. There are too many 360 products embedded, which is not my favorite, So I found the last version 2.68 before Master Lu joined 360 on the Internet. Master Lu 2.68 is a classic version and has not been downloaded in many places. This one is shared with friends in need. If you need it, download it yourself.

Attachment download: Master Lu Classic 2.68 old version 6.4MB


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lqmouse tourist
In fact, the version of Master Lu when he just joined 360 is also relatively easy to use. Compared with the previous version, it has not changed much. My current version of 2.7.1 is very stable. Bloggers can try it
2013-09-13 01:18 reply
music appreciation