Current position: home page > Green software >Cool dog 2011 manual advertising green version

Cool dog 2011 manual advertising green version

Author: blueleaf Classification: Green software Time: January 31, 2011 Browse: 10461 Comments: 4

It's better to listen to music with Kugou. The new version of Kugou 2011 is good for you to listen to whatever you want, so you can find songs everywhere.

The advertisements of Kugou 2011 must be removed manually. After downloading the compressed package of Kugou 2011 green version, don't

Run the main file KuGoo.exe directly, because Blueleaf has modified the configuration file optionv5.ini of Kugou

After removing most of the advertisements, the permissions of optionv5.ini and optionv5.inicfg must be set to

The purpose of advertising can only be achieved by refusing to write. Please follow the following figure to set file permissions.

 Click to download the green version of Kugou 2011 manual advertising


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crycanel tourist
Also, LZ's website is well done, but it's a little unpopular, step on it~~
2011-12-25 19:10 reply
crycanel tourist
Thanks for LZ's article, the annoying advertisement has finally been removed! Thanks for sharing!
2011-12-25 19:10 reply
zanzan tourist
The email number is wrong,
2011-04-05 13:48 reply
zanzan tourist
Thanks for sharing.
2011-04-05 13:47 reply
music appreciation
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