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  • 󞓷󗱎 Mu

    area covered

  • Industrial land

    Planned use

  • Overall transfer

    Form of transfer

  • 󞨿󗱎 year

    service life

Location: Shuicheng County, Liupanshui, Guizhou

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  • --

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essential information
Plot picture

essential information

  • Region: Liupanshui>Shuicheng County
  • Detailed location: Shuicheng County, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province
  • Four boundaries of the plot: --
  • Planned use: Industrial land
  • area covered: 󞓷󗱎 mu
  • Construction land area: 󞢮󞓷󗱎󗱎 m2
  • Planned building area: --
  • Plot ratio: --
  • Height Limited: --
  • Greening rate: --
  • Building density: --
  • Form of transfer: Overall transfer
Plot picture

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