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Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng
Two bedrooms
Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng Type D
2 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom 96.55㎡

thirty 10000 yuan/set north and south

Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng Type A
2 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom 95.8㎡

thirty 10000 yuan/set north and south

Three bedrooms
Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng F House
3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom 160.0㎡

fifty 10000 yuan/set north and south

Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng House E
3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom

undetermined north and south

Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng Type C
3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom 124.29㎡

thirty-nine 10000 yuan/set north and south

Huayuan · Holy Land Xincheng Type B
3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom 142.0㎡

forty-four 10000 yuan/set north and south

Please let me know if there is any house viewing activity in the near future

already existing twenty-five Person registration

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