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View all comments of BYD S8>> Support domestic production

e 43 points

advantage: Civilian jogging, reasonable price, fashionable appearance and better interior decoration!!! What happened to the domestic ones? There are so many people who worship foreign things. Domestic products start late and the technology is not mature. If Chinese people buy domestic products and have the strength and financial resources, they will not believe that Chinese people can not develop good cars. Don't just criticize~~~

I'll reply Word of mouth comments (7)


good point! We Chinese automobile manufacturers should be recognized and support domestic production if we can build good cars!

Brother Kang of 70

Support domestic cars. Everyone buys domestic cars. Come and buy them!


Support domestic vehicles. After all, do we start late? We should learn from the Koreans.

Free life for me

The BYD S8 is really good, and it's not easy. This sports car has already won Chinese people's confidence. What kind of sports car do you want to buy? Those who make random comments should not look down on domestic cars. If you have the ability, you should buy a Lamborghini. As a Chinese, you should refuel for the Chinese auto industry. In a word, the BYD S8 is good, stick to it, go your own way and let others say, Top.

Sincere Hakka girl

Support domestic.............

Brother Kang of 70

When I buy a car, I will definitely buy this domestic car, support domestic production, and push Japanese cars out of China

Follow Rain Listening

Will it leak? A little worried!

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