Kunming Monthly Report | Kunming's "Yinshi" property market is not performing well, and rescue funds for several shutdown projects are in place

Focus Research Institute 2022-11-14 17:51:51
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As the traditional sales peak season, "Yinshi" has launched promotional activities for many projects in Kunming, but the total supply and demand of commercial residential market is still declining, and the overall performance is poor. In the same month, there were primary schools in Lot KCGD2020-2-A3 of Liangting District, Guandu District, new projects of Kunming No. 28 Middle School, Yuhua No. 6, Chenggong District

Focus Research Institute Kunming Real Estate Market Monthly Report

Reporting period: October 1 to October 31, 2022

Date of production: November 14, 2022

Researcher: Yu Zhijia

Market focus

As the traditional sales peak season, "Yinshi" has launched promotional activities for many projects in Kunming, but the total supply and demand of commercial residential market is still declining, and the overall performance is poor.

First look at the secondary market In the same month, 12 projects obtained pre-sale certificates, with an additional supply of 290400 square meters, down 66% month on month; 370000 square meters of commercial housing, 8% less than the previous month; The average sales price was 13470 yuan/square meter, down 3% month on month.

In the current month, there were primary schools in plot KCGD2020-2-A3 in the Liangting area of Guandu District in Kunming, the new project of Kunming No. 28 Middle School, urban shantytown roads in plot Yuhua 6 of Chenggong District Greenland Dianchi International Health City Merchants Hanlin Grand View 5 items are out of gauge. Two of them are for education and one is for transportation. 7 multi-storey residential buildings and 1 supporting commercial building will be built in Greenland Dianchi International Health City; China Merchants Hanlin Grand View is planned to build 5 commercial buildings.

In addition, the planning of two areas has been adjusted. Panlong National Botanical Museum has added PL-ZWY-C-04-04 commercial plot in the front area, with a land area of 2.75 hectares (about 41.25 mu); New medical facilities will be provided in Plot GD-GDGZ2-B4-01-02 of Guandu Ancient Town.

In terms of land market, there were 7 new land supplies and 1 land auction in Kunming that month, covering an area of 457.44 mu. Among them, plot No. XSCG-2022-01-A8 is the first batch of land for urban reconstruction of Yangjia; Lot KCGD2021-15-A1 is the first batch of land used by Old World Trade.

The Liupai plot is numbered KCG2020-13-A1-1. The transfer of Liupai plot also means that the development process of Shagouwei Village Urban Reconstruction Project in Wuhua District is suspended.

Return to the front line of the market , current month Construction and Investment Institute The project was launched for the first time at a price of 13000-14000 yuan/square meter.

In the same month, many projects in Kunming launched activities such as Buy It Now and Special Price Housing at the National Day node, which significantly improved the popularity of sales offices. However, from the perspective of overall transaction, the de transformation performance is still lower than that of previous years, and the overall market sales are still under pressure.

At the same time, there are signs of resumption of several previously suspended projects in Kunming. With the progress of project resumption, stabilizing people's livelihood will also help to boost market confidence and ease the wait-and-see mood in the market.

Statement: This article is written by the author who has entered the Focus Open Platform. Except for the official account of Focus, the opinion only represents the author, not the focus position.