Brand Monitoring

People Rarely Tell you what they think of you face-to-face.

Access all media mentions of your brand across the web with advanced, granular brand monitoring, and protect your reputation.

Did Someone Say [Your Brand]?

Gone are the days where you need to check 5 different outlets to see who is talking about your brand.

Simplify brand monitoring and access all @direct and indirect mentions of your brand, brand keywords and brand hashtags across social media, news articles, blogs and forums right from your Keyhole account.

Available in Keyhole’s Social Listening Analytics Suite .


Manage Your Reputation, With Some Help

Don’t read about it in the news the next day!

If you need to know about it, Keyhole will pop into your inbox and tell you.
Use Keyhole’s machine-learning-driven brand monitoring to immediately find out if:

  • Your brand is suddenly gaining exponential traction
  • Complaints from unhappy brand users and customers
  • Posts about your brand that are gaining traction or starting to go viral
  • Influential people talking about your brand

Available in Keyhole’s Social Listening Analytics Suite .


Grow Your Brand, Convert More Leads

Your brand’s social media platforms are your best tools to grow your brand presence and increase brand awareness in an organic and authentic way.

Grow your audience by growing engagement with Keyhole’s customized engagement recommendations, and then engage with followers and brand mentions to convert more leads .

 Grow your engagement

Contrary to Popular Belief, People Can Be Very Nice

And How Do You Feel About That?

It’s not just what people say about your brand, it’s how they feel about it.

Uncover the sentiment behind each post and behind your brand overall, and use the Suite’s in-depth sentiment analysis tool to see how brand sentiment changes over time (and why) .

Available in Keyhole’s Social Listening Analytics Suite .

 Sentiment analysis

See How You Stack Up against The Competition

Your brands vs. the competition.

Instantly understand who’s leading the conversation, and why.

Now, everything is immediately clear. Easily layer any brand, account, event, or campaign to understand share of voice, comparative sentiment, and who is most engaging.

Available in Keyhole’s Social Listening Analytics Suite .

 Competitive Analysis

Connect With The People Who Love Your Brand

Engaged audiences make fantastic brand advocates!

Stay connected to the conversations happening around your brand or product and share or respond to posts about your brand directly from the platform.

Plus, easily identify influential users to build influencer partnerships with .

Available in Keyhole’s Social Listening Analytics Suite .


Choose your Keyhole. Then unlock it.

Instantly discover how people feel about your brand & competitors online.

Save precious hours with tools built to monitor, analyze and inform campaigns.
Real-time actionable data lets you capture and amplify your event.
Who says you can’t buy love? Discover and track the most internet’s most influential influencers.
We all want to know what people say about us when we’re not in the room. Gain deep insights into key trends & conversations happening right now.