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How to analyze competitor website SEO?

As the saying goes: Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be invincible in every battle. To do anything, we need to understand the market and competitors, as well as the Internet. Competitor research is an important part of market competition research key word It is very valuable to know the degree of competition and the whole day situation of the industry. It is an advanced SEO tutorial to check the optimization direction of your own website based on the data of competitors' websites. We do Website construction Before that, we need to do data based SEO analysis and scientific SEO. The SEO data analysis of competitor websites can verify the time cost, resource cost, and labor cost of our websites to achieve the corresponding location, and can make SEO quantifiable. So what aspects should SEO personnel study competitors from?

1. Query of basic data of competitive websites

It is an indispensable part of SEO's work to analyze competitors' websites. SEO needs to constantly monitor the ranking of its own websites. If there is a ranking, there will be competitors. Knowing yourself and your opponent can win every battle.

In order to achieve the best seo effect, we should excavate the advantages and disadvantages of our competitors and adjust the seo optimization strategy according to our own actual situation.

However, in the actual SEO work, there are not many friends who really have detailed analysis and real-time monitoring of competitors, and many friends report that they do not know how to analyze competitors, do not know how to start, do not know what to analyze? How to conduct competitor analysis?

 How to analyze competitor website SEO? Website Operation Page 1

Query the basic data of the website through the tool, such as the age of the website domain name, Alexa ranking, weight, PR value, core keyword ranking, number of entries, Outer chain The general situation of the website and the estimated traffic and space of the website can also see the degree of competition of a website through this basic information, so as to know yourself and the other.

In fact, there is no substantive difference between analyzing competitors and analyzing your own website, but you can't see the internal data of the other website, and can't fully grasp the other's various strategies. You can only rely on the external data and characteristics of the other website to deduce its skills and strategies

Now there are a lot of excellent webmaster tools in the industry, and a lot of data is actually close to transparency. Competitor analysis is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of each other to guide the seo work of their own websites. The existing webmaster tools and external data are enough to support this work, and there is no need to clearly understand the data in competitors' website logs or traffic statistics.

Therefore, if you know how to analyze your own website, you usually know how to analyze your competitors' websites. If you don't know how to do competitor analysis, you may not even know how to analyze your own website.

2. Competitive website keyword strategy

After the website has been positioned, the target user group has been established, and the focus of product promotion has been determined, the next step is the research, mining and analysis of keywords. It is crucial to check the keyword strategy application of competitor websites. All keywords are combined and established around the brand, classification and attributes of products.

 How to analyze competitor website SEO? Website Operation Page 2

How many keywords are there in a website? Where are the core keywords and basic keywords of competitors' websites distributed? The answer is the home page, primary and secondary columns and important pages.

Look at the keywords used in a website page. Generally, look at the title. The main content of a page is mainly around the title.

Baidu's algorithm is constantly changing, The keywords tag is no longer important, so no keywords are used in the title. Even if the keyword tag contains keywords, it is equivalent to a fiction. The keywords distributed on each important page of the website are the use of keyword strategies. Your goal is to analyze the focus of keywords to be optimized by competitors' websites, and find these keywords, So as to get the product promotion focus of the website.

Generally speaking, the more competitive a keyword is, the more websites or web pages optimized for it will be. Based on this consideration, we can use search engines to find out the number of competitor websites or web pages targeted at a keyword to measure the competitiveness of keywords, The simplest and most traditional way to determine the number of competitor websites or web pages is to search the corresponding keywords in the search engine, which will return the number of search results in the SERP, which can be regarded as the number of competitor websites and web pages.

However, strictly speaking, this is a very rough way. Many times, it cannot accurately reflect the competitiveness of keywords. Especially for some common words, even if they are not competitive at all, the number of queries in this way may be huge.

3. Navigation structure design of competitive websites

The structure and navigation of a website also play a vital role in website ranking. A good website structure and navigation design are directly related to the collection of websites by search engines. Without collection, there is no ranking. The design of website structure is generally reflected in three aspects:

(1) Whether the design of the primary and secondary columns is clear and reasonable. Some enterprise websites have unclear columns, just like you go shopping in the supermarket. You wanted to buy toilet paper, but when you came to the toilet paper section, you not only saw toilet paper, but also saw spicy snacks. As a result, you can't tell whether this is the "living section" or the "food section". I think you must have no interest in shopping.

(2) Website navigation design is text link or flash link. As we all know, compared with flash as navigation, text links are more conducive to search engine inclusion

(3) Site map of the website. The navigation design of a website is unreasonable, and the site map can make up for it. On the other hand, the site map is also conducive to the search engine crawling web pages.

A good website structure is conducive to SEO website optimization, and it is also easier to get the love of search engines, thus helping to improve the ranking of websites. Only a website structure conducive to spider crawling can be more conducive to SEO website optimization.

If your website structure cannot compare with that of your competitors, then your website ranking will be difficult to surpass them. At this time, you can refer to most of the better website structures, and then modify your website. Maybe after a period of improvement, your website ranking will rise.

4. Internal chain design of competitive websites

To see whether the design of the internal links of the competitor's website is reasonable, you need to browse the website pages and click on each page. A good internal link of the website is generally reflected in:

 How to analyze competitor website SEO? Website Operation Page 3

(1) Whether the primary and secondary column design of the website is clear and reasonable.

(2) Whether the website links are linear, circular or reticular, and reticular links are the best links.

(3) Whether there are recommendation modules or related modules linked to other pages on the website page.

(4) Whether there are keywords linked to other pages in the website.

At the same time, the quality of the internal chain design is also one of the reference standards for user experience. Through the description of these four aspects, I believe it is self-evident whether the internal links of competitors' websites are reasonable.

5. Whether the competitive website page is optimized

To judge whether a website page has been optimized, for ordinary SEO personnel, Kehu Network I suggest you look at seven simple points:

(1) Whether the website title contains keywords.

(2) Whether the keyword tag of the website contains keywords.

(3) Whether the description tag of the website contains keywords.

(4) Whether the website contains ALT attribute and whether keywords are added.

(5) Whether there are keywords in the title of the website.

(6) Whether there are keywords in the subtitles of the website.

(7) Whether there are keywords in the text of the website, and whether they have been specially processed, such as bold, colored, underlined, etc.

In fact, the ultimate goal of page optimization is to reflect a keyword density problem, and keyword density can help keyword ranking, so page optimization is also an important work. When we analyze competitor websites, we only need to look at the optimization status of important pages and column pages.

6. External chain optimization strategy of competitive websites

As SEO practitioners know, there is a saying circulating in the industry: "Content is king, and the external chain is king." If a site wants to obtain traffic, the external chain is absolutely the top priority, and it is also a reflection of the weight of the site. It can be seen that how important the external chain is for a website to judge the external quality of a website mainly depends on three aspects:

1、 Relevance:

(1) Whether the anchor text is related to the link page theme.

(2) Whether the linked page is related to the theme of the linked website page.

(3) Whether the anchor text is related to the theme content of the linked website page.

(4) Whether the two website themes are related.

2、 Diversity

(1) Links from different types of websites, such as friendship links, blogs, forums, classified information networks, B2B platforms, social networks and news source websites.

(2) Different domain names from different websites, such as com, cn, net, org, and gov.

3、 Number of outer chains

The external connection strategy of general enterprise sites is mainly based on friendship links, supplemented by other links. Of course, some sites are really different, and the idea of external chain optimization is the same for different sites. This needs to analyze the external chain strategy of competitors when the external chain is spot checked? There are several ways to detect the number of external chains:

(1) Domain command plus URL.

(2) Enter the URL directly in the search box.

(3) Baidu external chain query tool.

Here, I would like to remind you that we can check how to build the external chain of competitors' websites and what high-quality external chains their websites have. If there is a gap in this regard, let's make a supplement in this regard. The external chain of competitors' websites can also be launched on their own platforms. In this way, your external chain of websites will surely grow greatly, The weight and ranking will also be greatly improved, and it is just around the corner to overwhelm the competitors.

7. Analysis and evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of competitive websites

The analysis, evaluation and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of competitors can generally be seen in two aspects:

1、 The introduction of the website and other information judge the strength of the company behind, as well as economic conditions.

2、 SEO overall planning of the website, SEO optimization of the website and the company's attention to SEO optimization.

Finally, analyze the competitors' websites and other details, such as meta tags, image ALT tags, Robots, 404 pages Nofollow tag, internal chain structure, navigation menu, etc., which are easy to ignore, will surpass the competitors' websites, and our websites will have more advantages in ranking. If the competitors' websites are not perfect in these details, our own enterprise stations can set up well in these aspects, In this way, we will have more chips to catch up with rival websites.

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