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The significance of link construction to website SEO

To build a website, we must pay attention to the construction of website links, internal links and external links (internal links and Outer chain )The higher the quality, the better. From the perspective of online marketing, Website construction Reasonable distribution and setting of links can effectively improve the customer experience of the website, which is conducive to search engine crawling and content crawling.

 Significance of link construction to website SEO Website operation

I The Impact of Hyperlink Import and Export on Websites

① Not all imported links can improve the weight of the website, even one-way imported links. Many people think that search engines can't identify link resources. The reason for this illusion is also very simple, because there are indeed many websites that buy a lot of links, or even hide links to improve website rankings. The author also once questioned the discrimination power of search engines, but later confirmed that this method no longer works. The websites that bought hidden links not only did not help the website weight and ranking, but also hindered the improvement of website quality. Therefore, import links are not quantity but breadth and quality.

② The quality of exported links also affects the weight of websites, which can be interpreted in two aspects. Friends who are engaged in SEOER must know the concept of link factory, that is, the whole website has become a collection place of links. If a website exports too many or the quality of exported links is poor, even if the content of the website is acceptable, it will be judged as a link factory. Therefore, if there are enough locations, we can link the website to some large and high-quality websites. Even if it is a one-way link, it will also improve the weight of the website to a certain extent.

II The orderly internal links of the website help guide visitors and search engines to go deep into the internal pages of the website

Internal links are literally links within the website, just like column navigation and breadcrumb (navigation) navigation on the page, they are internal links. Internal links can appear in the navigation bar of the website or anywhere on the page. There are many forms of internal links. For example, a site map is an internal link. The relevant reading and recommended reading we often see are actually internal links. The internal links that are just right for the benefit not only facilitate customers to read and browse, but also facilitate the search engine's crawler source code to crawl more in-depth and comprehensive website content. In theory, as long as the internal links are naturally occurring, the more the better. It should be noted that search engines can only identify text links nowadays. If it is JS or FLASH AS links embedded in animations, search engines cannot identify them.

III Set up a website map for easy retrieval

There are also many types of website maps, which can be understood as the navigation architecture diagram of the website as the name implies. Just like the map in reality, we can know our current location after browsing the website map in detail. You can also know where the target page you want to browse is and how to click it through the website map. Common website maps are in html format and xml format. Most of the ones we often see are in html format. Search engines can basically distinguish between the two formats, but the xml format seems to be more popular. Some search engines know that the website map format they can identify is xml, and so are most other search engines. The website map of the website we produce for users will basically use the above two standards at the same time to produce a website map respectively to meet the requirements of different search engines.

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